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SIGSYS: Weekly Seminar in Systems Research

SIGSYS is a weekly seminar organized by the systems faculty in Computer and Information Sciences at University of Delaware, including John Cavazos, Lori Pollock, Steve Siegel, Martin Swany, and Michela Taufer. We bring in well respected researchers to share and discuss their research with the systems faculty and students. Current PhD and Masters students and UD faculty also present their latest research contributions.

Topics cover a broad range of areas of systems, including software engineering (program verification, software testing, software tools, program analysis), optimizing compilers, programming languages, distributed computing, grid computing, and parallel computing.

All graduate and undergraduate students and faculty are welcome to attend. Fall 2009 will meet in 102A Smith on Fridays at 1:30PM.

Fall 2009 Schedule yet to be determined

sigsys.1247097434.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/07/08 19:57 by pollock
  • 213 Smith Hall   •   Computer & Information Sciences   •   Newark, DE 19716  •   USA
    Phone: 302-831-6339  •   Fax: 302-831-8458