- deprecated file. Don't use. - This script takes 3 arguments: The path to an SVN repository, a starting revision number, and an ending revision number. The script then executes SVN commands to obtain all the files that changed in-between these two versions. These are then output into the the directory DeltaDoc<repositoryname>. They are then divided into directories /new/ and /old/, with the versions from the starting revision going into the old directory and the ones from the ending revision going into the new directory. In each of these, the files are stored according to what revision they are in. If these directories don't exist, the script will create them for you. Also, if you request a version of a project you already have extracted, the script will stop. Note that this script only extracts modified Java files. It won't collect new files added (although it will list them), and it will not extract and non-Java files.

reserach/nlpa/caseycas/instuctrions/commitmessagegeneratorscripts/fileextractor.txt · Last modified: 2013/01/15 19:25 by caseycas
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