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resarch:nlpa:preethaprelims [2015/08/18 11:55]
resarch:nlpa:preethaprelims [2016/06/23 00:32] (current)
Line 2084: Line 2084:
 Update on Aug 18,2015: Update on Aug 18,2015:
 \\ Code (to generate feature vectors and identify action from a Quorum sample code) is ready. \\ Code (to generate feature vectors and identify action from a Quorum sample code) is ready.
-\\ Next step is to do further testing on the code for accuracy. +\\ Next step is to do further testing on the code for accuracy ​- Completed  
-\\ Identify ​and the discuss ​the structure ​and format ​of the report.+\\ **Results - Testing of tool on identified Quorum loop-ifs:​** 
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:1, F2:0, F3:0, F4:2, F5:4, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: find 
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:1, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: get  
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:1, F2:0, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: could not be identified(no entry in action identification table)  
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:​ResolveAllTypes(),​ F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: not identified as method name not listed in action identification table  
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:4, F2:​ResolveClass(),​ F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: Not identified as method name not listed in action identification table  
 +  * Feature Vector: 1,​0,​0,​2,​0,​0,​0,​2 Action Identified: not identified  
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:1, F2:0, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: Not identified(no entry in action identification table)  
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:​VisitLocalVariable(),​ F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: Not identified(as method name not listed in action identification model)  
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:1, F2:0, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: Not identified(no entry in action identification table)  
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:1, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: Not identified (no entry in action identification table)  
 +  * Multiple ifs, loop discarded. 
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:1, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: get 
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:​AssignBytecodeLocations(),​ F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: not identified 
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:1, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: get 
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:1, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:1 (as we consider only the if loop and it's last statement)  
 +  * Action Identified: get  
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:​VisitEnd(),​ F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: cannot be determined as method name not listed in action identification table 
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:4, F2:​WriteParentActionBytecode(),​ F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:1, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: cannot be determined as method name not listed in action identification table   
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:​VisitEnd(),​ F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: cannot be determined as method name not listed in action identification table  
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:5, F2: undefined, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: cannot be determined  
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:1, F2:0, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: not identified as corresponding entry not found in action identification table  
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:1, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:1  
 +  * Action Identified: not identified 
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:1, F3:0, F4:0, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: Not identified 
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:0, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:3, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: determine 
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:4, F2:5, F3:0, F4:1, F5:3, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: could not be identified ​  
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:3, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: could not be identified 
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:0, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:4, F6:1, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: find  
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:0, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:3, F6:1, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: determine  
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:6, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: determine 
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:6, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: determine 
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:0, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:3, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: determine 
 +  * (a) Feature Vector: F1:4, F2:5, F3:0, F4:1, F5:3, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: not identified (b) Feature Vector: F1:6, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2 Action Identified: determine  
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:0, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:3, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: determine 
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:1, F2:0, F3:0, F4:2, F5:4, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: find 
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:0, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:3, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: determine  
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:0, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:3, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: determine 
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:0, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:4, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: find.   
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:0, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:4, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: find 
 +  * Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:3, F3:0, F4:1, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2  
 +  * Action Identified: not identified ​  
 +  *  
 +\\ **Outline of prelims report** 
 +\\ 1. Introduction 
 +\\ 2. Contributions 
 +\\ 3. "​Developing of Model of Loop Actions"​ 
 +\\ Cite Xiaoran'​s paper, Summary of that paper, can use Fig:1 from that paper and the limitations of the model 
 +\\ 4. Quorum Language 
 +\\ Introduction,​ Loop Structures 
 +\\ 5. Java to Quorum(Something like that) 
 +\\ In general how to do 
 +\\ Challenges in doing this for Quorum 
 +\\ Research Process/​Methodology - Examples, Algorithms, Pictures, ANTLR-how used, parse trees, what changes for each feature vector-syntactic or semantic 
 +\\ 6. Results- Accuracy, evaluation by Xiaoran(author of that paper) 
 +\\ 7. Discussion - Implications of results, how general is the process, how easy to apply to other languages. 
 +\\ 8. Threats to Validity(My limitations of this project) 
 +\\ Less no. of Quorum programs 
 +\\ Less variety of loops 
 +\\ Code form developers of Quorum is used, other programmers'​ code not available yet.  
 +\\ To minimize the threats:- 
 +\\ a. Collected as many Quorum loops as possible. 
 +\\ b. Real code examples are used, and not sample ones. 
 +\\ c.Could be a future work- to check how our tool works on unseen code from other programmers.  
 +\\ As per department instructions - The written report should not exceed 20 pages in length, and should be structured as a scientific publication,​ including: Title, Abstract, Introduction,​ Related Work, appropriate sections that describe the work conducted, the methods used and the results obtained, followed by Analysis/​Conclusions and Future Work. The report must also contain a bibliography which is not included in the 20 pages length limit. The first page of the report ​must include the student name, the title of the work, and the names of the advisor and the committee member. 
 +\\ Tested the tool on standard library test files (This is separate from the initial set of loop-ifs used for the project) 
 +\\ Out of identified 13 loop-ifs, actions were identified for 3 loop-ifs- all three were MAX/MIN. 
 +\\ For rest of the 10 loop-ifs, no actions were identified. 
 +\\ Details of loop code and feature vector values attached.{{:​resarch:​nlpa:​testing_the_tool_on_standard_library_test_files.pdf|}} 
 +[[https://​bitbucket.org/​udsenlpa/​quorum_actionunit_identifier/​wiki/​Home|Bitbucket Link to Source Code]]
resarch/nlpa/preethaprelims.1439913300.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/08/18 11:55 by preethac
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