Preetha's Summer 2015 PhD Preliminary Research Project

Problem Statement and Motivation:
Quorum is a new programming language designed specially for visually impaired individuals. Our research goal is to summarize loops in Quorum, to identify the higher level abstraction of the action being performed by the loops. Many algorithmic steps require more than one statement to implement, but not big enough to be a method. These steps are generally implemented by loops. Our idea is to mine loop characteristics of a given loop structure over the repository of the Quorum language source code, map it to a (already developed) action identification model, and thus identify the action performed by the specified loop. This might be very useful for human readers/coders, generating automatic comments for the loop structure(as very small percentage of code is well documented to help new users/coders), facilitate automatic code search tools, and help blind programmers grasp a quick high level view of code segments that otherwise are tedious and difficult to understand.

Summary of background(from Xiaoran's paper):
Motivation for this project comes from a preexisting work by Xiaoran Wang, Dr. Lori Pollock and Dr. Vijay Shanker on “Developing a Model of Loop Actions by Mining Loop Characteristics from a Large Code Corpus”. This project involved identifying the higher level abstraction of the action being performed by a particular loop structure in Java based on their structure, data flow and linguistic characteristics. They focused on loops that contain exactly one conditional statement(if-statement) and also the last lexical statement within the loop body; which they call a loop-if structure. The loop formats considered in Java were : for, enhanced-for, while or do-while(nested loops were not considered).
Their approach was to first identify action units( a code block that consists of a sequence of consecutive statements that logically implement a high level action) that are implemented by loop structures. Then characterizing the loops as feature-value pairs to generate the loop feature vector and then develop a model(action identification model) that can associate actions with loops based on their loop feature vectors.

The problem with respect to the new language environment and motivation:

1. Loop structures in Quorum are different from that of Java - there is no for loop, instead in Quorum the loop structures are-
repeat <expression> times
repeat while <expression>
repeat until <expression>

2. As Quorum is a comparatively new programming language:
a. Repository of source code for sample projects is very small.
b. Apart from the language compiler and standard library files, there is practically no source of complex codes to evaluate our tests.
c. The language is written by very few(one or two) developers, thus we do not get to evaluate on different coding styles.
d. Might not be able to find a lot of loop-ifs in the sample code.

3. Identifying the language grammar and generating ASTs with ANTLR4 seems challenging.

As we already have an action identification model developed for JAVA source code, it will be interesting to find out if we can implement the same on another programming language like Quorum.

Proposed Ideas for addressing the problem(s) and justification:
1. Mapping for loops(Java) to repeat loops in Quorum.
2. After successful implementation of the project, we would like to conduct a question-answer survey from different users/developers, to evaluate the correctness of our work. The question would consist of a piece of Quorum code containing loop-ifs, and the user have to select the correct action describing the code(according to him/her) out of the 4 available options provided to him. Thus the evaluation would not be biased.
3. Learn ANTLR4 to generate the ASTs, it might be useful as according to the last release, Quorum now uses ANTLR4 as back-end.

The research activity list and order:

1. Manually identify loop-if structures from sample Quorum code for at least 25-50 loops.
2. Manually extract the feature vectors for the identified loop-ifs.
3. Map the identified loop-ifs with the already developed action identification model.
4. Validate if the identified action is correct.
5. Identify the Quorum grammar.
6. Feed the grammar to Antlr4 to generate abstract syntax trees(ASTs).
7. Write program to automatically extract feature vectors from Quorum code using the already generated ASTs.
8. Use Xiaoran's code to map the feature vectors to the action identification model.
9. Identify the high level action implemented by a given loop.

Work to discuss for meeting on Jun9,2015:

Short Introduction to Quorum syntax:
For more help on Quorum syntax refer to

Data Types:
1. Integer
2. Number
3. Boolean
4. Text
Type Casting: <type> <variable> = cast(<type to convert to>, <value to be converted>)


  use Libraries.Containers.Array
  Array<integer> a
  a:Set(0, 10) //put value=10 in the first slot in the array, which is named 0
  a:Get(1) //return value at index1
  a:SetSize(12) //setting the size of the array to 12, by default it is 10.


1. repeat <expression> times

   integer a = complicatedMathAction()
   integer b = anotherComplexAction()
   repeat (b / a - (b + 5)) times

2. repeat while <expression>

   integer a = 0
   repeat while a < 15
      a = a + 1
   \\this syntax tells Quorum to continue executing as long as a happens to be smaller than 15.

3. repeat until <expression>

    integer a = 0
    repeat until a < 15
       a = a + 1
    \\Since a is less than 15 this loop will execute 0 times. 

If Conditional:

  integer a = 1
  integer b = 1000
  integer c = 0
  if a > 100
   c = 1
  elseif b = 100
   c = 2
   c = 3


  action main
    integer addedNumbers = add(5,10)
  action add(integer a, integer b) returns integer
    return a + b


 class BankAccount
   integer money = 0
   action deposit(integer amount)
        money = money + amount
   action withdraw(integer amount)
        money = money - amount
 use BankAccount
 class Main
   action Main
        BankAccount account


 Class A
 Class B
 Class C is A,B
    action <name>
 class Main
    action main
       C <object name>
       <object name>:<action name>

In computer programming, we often want to create a class that generically specifies an algorithm. For example, we may want to create a list of objects, like a list of people in a phone book. Or, we may want to create a list of numbers, integers, or anything else. There are two ways we could accomplish this: 1) we could create separate implementations of our list for each data type (e.g., one for numbers, one for integers), or 2) we could create a “generic” class.

 class List<Type>
    action add(Type item)
    //add our list item
 List<integer> list
 //all of the following are fine
 List<string> list1
 List<Dog> list2 //assuming there is a Dog class somewhere
 List<boolean> list3

Mutator function:

Integer int

Accessor Function:

 text t
 t = int:GetTextValue()

Comparison Function:

 Integer int1
 Integer int2
 integer lessThan = int1:CompareTo(int2)
 integer greaterThan = int2:CompareTo(int1)
 boolean equalTo = (int1:CompareTo(int2) = 0)

After executing the above code:

  lessThan will equal -1, because 5 is less than 7,
  greaterThan will equal 1 because 7 is greater than 5, and
  equalTo will equal false because 5 is not equal to 7, and thus the result of the function is not 0.

Error Handling:

  use Libraries.Language.Errors.Error
  use Libraries.Language.Errors.DivideByZeroError
  class Main
    action Main
      number result = 0
          text userInput = input("divide by?")
          integer divisor = cast(integer, userInput)
          result = 12/divisor
      detect e is Error or DivideByZeroError
          say e:GetErrorMessage()
          result = 12/1
          say "calculating result"
      say "The result is " + result

Sample loop-ifs from Quorum Source Code:

Repo → Quorum3 → SourceCode → Compiler.quorum
1. Line No: 486-496

     private action GetActionAtIndex(Class clazz, integer index) returns Action
         Action act = undefined
         File file = clazz:GetFile()
         text classPath = file:GetAbsolutePath()
         Iterator<Action> actions = clazz:GetActions()
         repeat while actions:HasNext()
              Action a = actions:Next()
              integer start = a:GetIndex()
              integer finish = a:GetIndexEnd()
              File f = a:GetFile()
              text actionPath = f:GetAbsolutePath()
              if index >= start and index <= finish and classPath = actionPath
                 act = a
                 return act
         return act

Feature Vector: F1:1, F2:0, F3:0, F4:2, F5:4, F6:0, F7:0, F8: 1,2
Action Identified: find

Repo → Quorum3 → SourceCode → Compiler.quorum
2.Line No: 658-672

     private action AddSubpackagesAndClasses(CodeCompletionRequest request, CodeCompletionResult result, text name)
         //first find all of the packages/sub-packages 
         Iterator<text> packs = sandboxSymbolTable:GetSubpackageNames(name)
         repeat while packs:HasNext()
             text pack = packs:Next()
             integer size = name:GetSize() + 1
             text subpackName = pack:GetSubtext(0, size)
             text filteredName = subpackName + result:filter
             subpackName = pack:GetSubtext(size, pack:GetSize())
             if pack:StartsWith(filteredName)
                   CodeCompletionItem item = GetPackageCompletionItem(subpackName)
                   text filter = result:filter
                   integer size = filter:GetSize()
                   item:dotOffset = request:caretLocation - size

Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:2, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: add
According to Xiaoron's work:
Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:1, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: get
Need to discuss if that is the correct action identified, according to me, it should be add

Questions for meeting on June 9,2015
1. We should not consider nested loops right? Xiaoran's work did not include nested loops.
2. Xiaoran's Action Identification model contains entry for the most frequent 100 loops in Java source code. So there are some loop-ifs in Quorum for which I don't find the valid entry in the table.
3. Show Quorum grammar file and take feedback on how to proceed.
4. What if we don't find enough loop-ifs, how many should be sufficient for the project?

Meeting summary June9,2015
1. We won't consider any kind of nested loops, only loop-ifs.
2. If we find loop-ifs that cannot be mapped to Xiaoran's action identification model, we have to leave that case. We cannot summarize such loops.
3. Only repository we have is the Quorum source code, so we have to work with less number of loop-ifs if we don't find many.We can automate the process to generate the feature vector from any Quorum code.
4. After manual extraction of feature vectors of 25-50 loop-ifs, prepare a test survey for validation.(possibly Xiaoran can help).
5. For generating AST, we might not need ANTLR4. First suggestion is to through the parser in Quorum and try to understand the code. There is a tree walker available in the code. We can use that and might not need to write one of our own. We can try to stop the compiler execution after it generates the AST. It might not be visible or printed, it should be in the memory. Now while running the tree walker, might print at nodes when we hit a loop,etc
Parser:/Users/preethac/Desktop/Research/Summer Project 2015/stefika-quorum-language-25186e0d2fa6/plugins/ParserPlugin/src/plugins/quorum/Libraries/Language/Compile
Compiler: /Users/preethac/Desktop/Research/Summer Project 2015/stefika-quorum-language-25186e0d2fa6/Quorum3/SourceCode

Work to discuss-Meeting on June 17, 2015:

More Sample loop-ifs from Quorum Source Code:
Repo → Quorum3 → SourceCode → Compiler.quorum
3. Line No: 727-735

  private action ReformPackage(Array<text> packs) returns text
      text result = ""
      integer i = 0
      repeat while i < packs:GetSize()
          text value = packs:Get(i)
          if i = 0
              result = result + value
              result = result + value + "."
          i = i + 1
      return result

Feature Vector: F1:1, F2:0, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: could not be identified(no entry in action identification table)
very close to find, except that F5 is 0, not 1,2 or 4.

Repo → Quorum3 → SourceCode → Compiler.quorum
4. Line No: 1572-1580

    action TypeResolution(SymbolTable table, TypeChecker types, CompilerErrorManager errors)
      Iterator<Class> classes = table:GetClasses()
      repeat while classes:HasNext()
          Class next = classes:Next()
          next:ResolveUseStatements(table, errors)
      classes = table:GetClasses()
      repeat while classes:HasNext()
          Class next = classes:Next()
          //because of the way the parent flattening algorithm works,
          //classes may already be resolved
          if not next:IsResolved()
              next:ResolveAllTypes(table, errors)
      classes = table:GetClasses()
      repeat while classes:HasNext()
          Class next = classes:Next()

Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:ResolveAllTypes(), F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: not identified as method name not listed in action identification table

Repo → Quorum3 → SourceCode → Compiler.quorum
5. Line No: 1784-1792

    private action ResolveQualifiedNames(
          SymbolTable table, 
          Iterator<QualifiedName> names, 
          HashTable<text, File> parsed,
          HashTable<text, File> unparsed, Class clazz)
      repeat while names:HasNext()
          QualifiedName qn = names:Next()
          if qn:IsAll()
              ResolveAllClassesInContainer(table, qn, parsed, unparsed, clazz)
              text key = qn:GetStaticKey()
              ResolveClass(table, key, clazz, parsed, unparsed)

Feature Vector: F1:4, F2:ResolveClass(), F3:0, F4:1, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: Not identified as method name not listed in action identification table
Xiaoran's answer:
vector: 4, method name, 0,1,0,0,0,2 action: not identified

Repo → Quorum3 → SourceCode → Compiler.quorum
6. Line no: 1834-1841

    private action GetStandardLibraryFolderForPackage(text key) returns File
      if standardLibraryFolder = undefined
          File build
          standardLibraryFolder = build
      text loc = standardLibraryFolder:GetWorkingDirectory()
      text loc2 = standardLibraryFolder:GetAbsolutePath()
      File file
      Array<text> values = key:Split("\.")
      text location = "/"
      Iterator<text> it = values:GetIterator()
      repeat while it:HasNext()
          text next = it:Next()
          location = location + next
          if it:HasNext()
              location = location + "/"
      if file:Exists()
          return file
      return undefined

Feature Vector: F1:1, F2:0, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: Not identified(no entry in action identification table)
Xiaoran's answer:
vector: 1,0,0,2,0,0,0,2 action: not identified

Repo→ Quorum3 → SourceCode → Action.quorum
7. Line no.- 108-122

    action GetCodeCompletionItem(Variable variable) returns CodeCompletionItem
      text signature = GetStaticKey()        
      Iterator<Variable> variables = GetParameterIterator()
      text result = "("
      integer i = 0
      repeat while variables:HasNext()
          Variable param = variables:Next()
          Type type = param:GetType()
          text typeKey = ""
          text key = param:GetStaticKey()
          text name = param:GetName()
          typeKey = GetTypeName(type, variable)
          text value = typeKey + " " + name
          result = result + value
          if variables:HasNext()
              result = result + ", "
          i = i + 1
      result = result + ")"
      Type returnType = GetReturnType()
      //if the return type is void, ignore it. Otherwise, include it
      if not returnType:IsVoid()
          item:rightDisplayText = GetTypeName(returnType, variable)

Feature Vector: F1:1, F2:0, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: Not identified(no entry in action identification table)

Repo→ Quorum3 → SourceCode → ActionOpcode.quorum
8. Line no.- 163-175

    action WriteParameterDebuggingTable(JavaBytecodeLabel start, JavaBytecodeLabel finish)
      //now get all the variables in this block and write the debugging
      JavaBytecodeMethodWriter writer = GetMethodWriter()
      Iterator<Variable> variables = method:GetParameterIterator()
      repeat while variables:HasNext()
          Variable variable = variables:Next()
          if not variable:IsField() and variable:IsVisibleToDebugger()
              Type type = variable:GetType()
              text description = type:ConvertTypeToBytecodeSignatureInterface()
              text signature = type:ConvertTypeToBytecodeSignatureInterface()
              integer location = variable:GetBytecodeLocation()
              writer:VisitLocalVariable(variable:GetName(), description,
                  signature, start, finish, location)
      writer:VisitLocalVariable("this", clazz:ConvertStaticKeyToBytecodePathTypeName(),
                  clazz:ConvertStaticKeyToBytecodePathTypeName(), start, finish, 0)

Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:VisitLocalVariable(), F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: Not identified(as method name not listed in action identification model)
Question: Do we deal with loop-ifs like this where we have more than one ending statements of if block?
Answer: We consider last statement.

Repo→ Quorum3 → SourceCode → ActionOpcode.quorum
9. Line no.- 163-175

    action WriteJavaScript returns text
      text result = "this." + method:ConvertActionToJavaScriptName() + " = function "  + "("
      Iterator<Variable> parameters = method:GetParameterIterator()
      integer position = 1
      repeat while parameters:HasNext()
          Variable param = parameters:Next()
          result = result + param:GetName()
          if parameters:HasNext()
              result = result + ", "
      result = result + ") {

      Iterator<QuorumOpcode> iterator = opcodeList:GetIterator()
      repeat while iterator:HasNext()
          QuorumOpcode opcode = iterator:Next()
          result = result + opcode:WriteJavaScript()
      result = result + "};

      return result

Feature Vector: F1:1, F2:0, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: Not identified(no entry in action identification table)

Repo→ Quorum3 → SourceCode → Class.quorum
10. Line no.- 292-299

    action GetGenericList returns text
      text value = ""        
      i = 0
      repeat GetNumberGenerics() times
          if i = 0
              value = value + GetGeneric(i)
              value = value + ", " + GetGeneric(i)
          i = i + 1
      return value

Feature Vector: F1:1, F2:0, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: Not identified (no entry in action identification table)
Very close to find except that F5 is 0, not 1,2 or 4.

Repo→ Quorum3 → SourceCode → Class.quorum
11. Line no.- 850-870

    private action ResolveActions(SymbolTable table, CompilerErrorManager errors)
      Iterator<Action> actionIterator = me:GetActions()
      Array<Action> temp
      repeat while actionIterator:HasNext()
          Action next = actionIterator:Next()
          //first, we resolve the parameters
          Iterator<Variable> parameters = next:GetParameterIterator()
          repeat while parameters:HasNext()
              Variable param = parameters:Next()
              ResolveParameterType(param, param:GetType(), table, errors)
          Type returnType = next:GetReturnType()
          if not returnType:IsVoid()
              ResolveParameterType(next, returnType, table, errors)
          //next we resolve all of the variables in its blocks
          if next:GetBlock() not= undefined
              ResolveBlock(next:GetBlock(), table, errors)

Question: Do we consider repeat with multiple ifs inside and analyze the last if only?
Answer: We only consider loops with one if and the if is also the last statement in the loop.
Loop discarded

Repo→ Quorum3 → SourceCode → Class.quorum
12. Line no.- 883-889

    private action ResolveActions(SymbolTable table, CompilerErrorManager errors)
      Iterator<Action> actionIterator = me:GetActions()
      Array<Action> temp
      repeat while actionIterator:HasNext()
          Action next = actionIterator:Next()
          CompilerError error = Add(next)
          if error not= undefined

Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:1, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: get
Need to discuss if that is the correct action identified, according to me, it should be add if F2:2

Repo→ Quorum3 → SourceCode → Class.quorum
13. Line no.- 894-900

    action ResolveFrames
      Iterator<Action> actionIterator = me:GetActions()
      repeat while actionIterator:HasNext()
          Action next = actionIterator:Next()
          if not next:IsSystem() and not next:IsBlueprint()
              Block b = next:GetBlock()
      if constructor not= undefined
          Block b = constructor:GetBlock()

Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:AssignBytecodeLocations(), F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: not identified
Ques- multiple ending statements in if-block.
Ans: We consider only the last statement.

Repo→ Quorum3 → SourceCode → Class.quorum
14. Line no.- 1307-1314

    action ResolveParents(SymbolTable table, CompilerErrorManager errors)
      isResolvingParents = true
      Iterator<QualifiedName> names = GetUnresolvedParents()
      repeat while names:HasNext()
          QualifiedName name = names:Next()
          Class myParent = GetClass(name:GetStaticKey(), table, errors)
          if myParent not= undefined //if it is defined, add it as a valid parent
              parents:Add(myParent:GetStaticKey(), myParent)
          end //if it is not, ignore it, as an error has already been issued

Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:1, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: get
Need to discuss if that is the correct action identified, according to me, it should be add if F2:2
Xiaoran's answer:
vector: 5,1,0,2,0,0,0,2 action: get

Repo→ Quorum3 → SourceCode → Class.quorum
15. Line no.- 1789-1802

      Array<Action> finalMatches
      integer minPoints = 0
      minPoints = minPoints:GetMaximumValue()
      i = 0
      repeat matches:GetSize() times
          Action act = matches:Get(i)
          integer points = scores:Get(i)
          if points < minPoints
              minPoints = points
          elseif points = minPoints
          i = i + 1

Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:2, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:1 (as we consider only the if loop and it's last statement)
Action Identified: add
Xiaoran's answer:
vector: 5,1,0,2,0,0,0,1 action: get
Note: the last statement is i=i+1, not an if. It seems that this is the syntax of loop updater in Quorum.

Repo→ Quorum3 → SourceCode → ClassOpcode.quorum
16. Line no.- 188-204

         Iterator<ActionOpcode> actionIterator = actions:GetIterator()
      repeat while actionIterator:HasNext()
          ActionOpcode act = actionIterator:Next()
          Action method = act:GetAction()
          if not clazz:IsError()
              //write to the interface
              text name = method:GetName()
              text params = method:ConvertActionToBytecodeParameterInterfaceSignature()
              JavaBytecodeMethodWriter interfaceMethodWriter = 
                  interfaceWriter:VisitMethod(opcodes:GetPublic() + opcodes:GetAbstract(), 
                  name, params, null, undefined)

Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:VisitEnd(), F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: cannot be determined as method name not listed in action identification table

Repo→ Quorum3 → SourceCode → ClassOpcode.quorum
17. Line no.- 207-213

         Iterator<Action> it = clazz:GetParentActions()
      repeat while it:HasNext()
          Action act = it:Next()
          Class parentOfMethod = act:GetParentClass()
          if not parentOfMethod:IsError() or clazz:GetStaticKey() = QUORUM_LIBRARY_LANGUAGE_ERRORS_ERROR

Feature Vector: F1:4, F2:WriteParentActionBytecode(), F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: cannot be determined as method name not listed in action identification table

Repo→ Quorum3 → SourceCode → ClassOpcode.quorum
18. Line no.- 229-263

      private action WriteParentGetActions
      Iterator<Class> parents = clazz:GetParentClasses()
      text classBytecodeName = converter:ConvertStaticKeyToBytecodePath(staticKey)
      //initialize all of the parent objects as fields
      repeat while parents:HasNext()
          Class p = parents:Next()
          text parentKey = p:GetStaticKey()
              text parentName = p:ConvertStaticKeyToParentFieldName()
              text converted = p:ConvertStaticKeyToBytecodePath()
              text convertedParentNameType = p:ConvertStaticKeyToBytecodePathTypeName()
              text parentActionName = p:ConvertStaticKeyToParentActionName()
              text null = undefined
              JavaBytecodeMethodWriter parentWriter = classWriter:VisitMethod(opcodes:GetPublic(), 
                  parentActionName, "()" + p:ConvertStaticKeyToBytecodePathTypeName(), null, undefined)
              //load the ME pointer
              parentWriter:VisitVariable(opcodes:GetObjectLoad(), ME)
              //load the parent variable
              //return the parent variable
              JavaBytecodeMethodWriter parentWriterInterface = interfaceWriter:VisitMethod(opcodes:GetPublic()+ opcodes:GetAbstract(), 
                  parentActionName, "()" + p:ConvertStaticKeyToBytecodePathTypeName(), null, undefined)

Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:VisitEnd(), F3:0, F4:0, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: cannot be determined as method name not listed in action identification table

Repo→ Quorum3 → SourceCode → ClassOpcode.quorum
19. Line no.- 674-697

     private action WriteParents(JavaBytecodeMethodWriter methodWriter)
      Iterator<Class> parents = clazz:GetParentClasses()
      text classBytecodeName = converter:ConvertStaticKeyToBytecodePath(staticKey)
      //initialize all of the parent objects as fields
      repeat while parents:HasNext()
          Class p = parents:Next()
          text parentKey = p:GetStaticKey()
              text parentName = p:ConvertStaticKeyToParentFieldName()
              text converted = p:ConvertStaticKeyToBytecodePath()
              text convertedParentNameType = p:ConvertStaticKeyToBytecodePathTypeName()
              methodWriter:VisitVariable(opcodes:GetObjectLoad(), ME)
              methodWriter:VisitType(opcodes:GetNew(), converted)
              //push false on the parents and call a separate constructor
              methodWriter:VisitMethodInvoke(opcodes:GetInvokeSpecial(), converted, CONSTRUCTOR_JAVA_NAME, "(Z)V", false)
              methodWriter:VisitField(opcodes:GetPutField(), classBytecodeName, parentName, convertedParentNameType)
              text convertedHiddenType = p:ConvertStaticKeyToBytecodePathTypeNameInterface()
              methodWriter:VisitVariable(opcodes:GetObjectLoad(), ME)
              methodWriter:VisitField(opcodes:GetGetField(), clazz:ConvertStaticKeyToBytecodePath(), parentName, p:ConvertStaticKeyToBytecodePathTypeName())
              methodWriter:VisitVariable(opcodes:GetObjectLoad(), ME)
              methodWriter:VisitField(opcodes:GetPutField(), converted, p:GetHiddenVariableName(), convertedHiddenType)

Feature Vector: F1:5, F2: , F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: cannot be determined
Question- Do we deal with nested method calls, like the method call as argument of another method call?What name of method call should we select in this case?
Answer:If the parameter of a method invocation is another method invocation, we only consider the out-most level of method call. The verb is “visit” in this particular example.

Repo→ Quorum3 → SourceCode → CompilerProfiler.quorum
20. Line no.- 85-97

     action OutputTimes
      i = 0
      number start = 0
      number previous = 0
      repeat timing:GetSize() times
          number value = timing:Get(i)
          if i = 0
              output START_TIME_NAME + ": 0" 
              start = value
              previous = start
              name = phaseHash:GetValue(i)
              output name + ": " + (value - previous)
              previous = value
          i = i + 1

Feature Vector: F1:1, F2:0, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: not identified as corresponding entry not found in action identification table

Repo→ Quorum3 → SourceCode → QualifiedName.quorum
21. Line no.- 61-68

      action GetStaticKey returns text
      key = ""
      i = 0
      repeat GetSize() times
          key = key + names:Get(i)
          if i < GetSize() - 1
              key = key + "."
          i = i + 1
      return key

Feature Vector: F1:1, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:1
Action Identified: not identified
Xiaoran's answer:
vector: 1,0,0,2,0,0,0,1 action: not identified. This is very close to be action find, except that F5 is 0, not 1,2 or 4.

Repo→ Quorum3 → SourceCode → QuorumByteCodeListener.quorum
22. Line no.- 1962-1974

     private action ComputeFinalParameters(Array<QuorumOpcode> parameterOpcodes, 
      Array<QuorumOpcode> conversions) returns Array<QuorumOpcode>
      //handle any casts, if there are any
      Array<QuorumOpcode> finalResolvedParameters
      integer next = 0
      repeat parameterOpcodes:GetSize() times
          QuorumOpcode previous = parameterOpcodes:Get(next)
          QuorumOpcode possibleCast = conversions:Get(next)
          if possibleCast not= undefined
              ExplicitCastOpcode caster = cast(ExplicitCastOpcode, possibleCast)
          else //nothing to do with this opcode, just push it
          next = next + 1
      return finalResolvedParameters

Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:2, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: add
Xiaoran's answer:
vector: 5,1,0,2,0,0,0,2 action: get
Completed looking for all loop-ifs in Repo→ Quorum3 → SourceCode →

Repo→ Quorum3 → Library → Standard → Libraries→ Containers → Array.quorum
23. Line no.- 470-476

    action Has(Type value) returns boolean
      integer count = 0
      integer size = GetSize()
      repeat while count < size
          Type item = Get(count)
          if value:Equals(item)
              return true
          count = count + 1
      return false

Feature Vector: F1:0, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:3, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: determine

Repo→ Quorum3 → Library → Standard → Libraries→ Containers → Array.quorum
24. Line no.- 500-507

     action Remove(Type value) returns boolean
      integer count = 0
      integer size = GetSize()
      repeat while count < size
          Type item = Get(count)
          if value:Equals(item)
              return true
          count = count + 1
      return false

Feature Vector: F1:4, F2:5, F3:0, F4:1, F5:3, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: could not be identified
Note - This action should have been very easily identified as remove , need to discuss

Xiaoran's answer:
action: 4,5,0,1,3,0,0,2 action: not identified * we do not recognize cases when the last statement is method invocation.

Repo→ Quorum3 → Library → Standard → Libraries→ Containers → Array.quorum
25. Line no.- 532-541

    action RemoveAll(Type value) returns boolean
      boolean hasRemoved = false
      integer count = 0
      integer size = GetSize()
      repeat while count < size
          Type item = Get(count)
          if value:Equals(item)
              hasRemoved = true
              size = size - 1
              count = count + 1
      return hasRemoved

Feature Vector: F1:1, F2:0, F3:0, F4:1, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: could not be identified (Should have been identified as remove)

Repo→ Quorum3 → Library → Standard → Libraries→ Containers → HashTable.quorum
26. Line no.- 82-87

      action GetValue(Key key) returns Value
      integer index = ComputeIndex(key)
      HashNode<Key, Value> node = array:Get(index)
      if node = undefined or key = undefined
          return undefined
      if key:Equals(node:key)
          return node:value
      HashNode<Key, Value> temp = node:next
      repeat while temp not= undefined
          if key:Equals(temp:key)
              return temp:value
          temp = temp:next
      return undefined

Feature Vector: F1:0, F2:0, F3:0, F4:1, F5:4, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: find

Repo→ Quorum3 → Library → Standard → Libraries→ Containers → HashTable.quorum
27. Line no.- 490-495

     action HasKey(Key key) returns boolean
      integer index = ComputeIndex(key)
      HashNode<Key, Value> node = array:Get(index)
      if node = undefined or key = undefined
          return false
      if key:Equals(node:key)
          return true
      HashNode<Key, Value> temp = node:next
      repeat while temp not= undefined
          if key:Equals(temp:key)
              return true
          temp = temp:next
      return false

Feature Vector: F1:0, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:3, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: determine
Xiaoran's answer:
vector: 0,0,0,0,3,0,0,2 action: determine

Repo→ Quorum3 → Library → Standard → Libraries→ Containers → List.quorum
28. Line no.- 254-263

      action GetFirstLocation(Type value) returns integer
      boolean found = false
      integer i = 0
      ListNode<Type> current = head
      repeat while current not= undefined
          Type type = current:value
          if value:Equals(type)
              current = undefined
              found = true
              current = current:next
              i = i + 1
      if found
          return i
          return invalidIndex

Feature Vector: F1:6, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: determine

Repo→ Quorum3 → Library → Standard → Libraries→ Containers → List.quorum
29. Line no.- 292-301

     action GetLastLocation(Type value) returns integer
      boolean found = false
      integer i = size - 1
      ListNode<Type> current = tail
      repeat while current not= undefined
          Type type = current:value
          if value:Equals(type)
              current = undefined
              found = true
              current = current:previous
              i = i - 1
      if found 
          return i
          return invalidIndex

Feature Vector: F1:6, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: determine (Same as last one)

Repo→ Quorum3 → Library → Standard → Libraries→ Containers → List.quorum
30. Line no.- 405-411

  action Has(Type value) returns boolean
      ListNode<Type> current = head
      repeat while current not= undefined
          Type type = current:value
          if value:Equals(type)
              return true
          current = current:next
      return false

Feature Vector: F1:0, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:3, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: determine

Repo→ Quorum3 → Library → Standard → Libraries→ Containers → List.quorum
31. Line no.- 448-455

      action Remove(Type value) returns boolean
      ListNode<Type> current = head
      repeat while current not= undefined
          Type type = current:value
          if value:Equals(type)
              return true
          current = current:next
      return false

Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:5, F3:0, F4:1, F5:3, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: not identified
Should have been identified as remove

Same for the following code:

     action RemoveAll(Type value) returns boolean
      ListNode<Type> current = head
      boolean wasRemoved = false
      repeat while current not= undefined
          Type type = current:value
          if value:Equals(type)
              wasRemoved = true
          current = current:next
      return wasRemoved

Repo→ Quorum3 → Library → Standard → Libraries→ Containers → List.quorum
32. Line no.- 532-543

     private action GetFirstNode(Type value) returns ListNode<Type>
      boolean found = false
      integer i = 0
      ListNode<Type> current = head
      ListNode<Type> result = undefined
      repeat while current not= undefined
          Type type = current:value
          integer hash = type:GetHashCode()
          if value:GetHashCode() = hash
              result = current
              current = undefined
              found = true
              current = current:next
              i = i + 1
      if found
          return result
          return undefined

Feature Vector: F1:6, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: determine

Repo→ Quorum3 → Library → Standard → Libraries→ Containers → Support → HashTableIterator.quorum
33. Line no.- 34-41

      private action GoToNextNode
      if node not= undefined
          node = node:next
      if node not= undefined
          return now //we've found the next one
          position = position + 1
      //the current one still needs to be found, it's currently undefined
      repeat while position < array:GetSize()
          HashNode<Key, Value> newNode = array:Get(position)
          if newNode not= undefined
              node = newNode
              return now //we're finished searching
          position = position + 1

Feature Vector: F1:1, F2:0, F3:0, F4:2, F5:4, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: find
Xiaoran's answer:
vector: 1,0,0,2,4,0,0,2 action: find

Repo→ Quorum3 → Library → Standard → Libraries→ Containers → Table.quorum
34. Line no.- 595-602

     action Has(Type value) returns boolean
      integer count = 0
      integer size = table:GetSize()
      repeat while count < size
          Array<Type> item = table:Get(count)
          if item:Has(value)
              return true
          count = count + 1
      return false

Feature Vector: F1:0, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:3, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: determine

Repo→ Quorum3 → Library → Standard → Libraries→ Containers → Table.quorum
35. Line no.- 625-632

      action Remove(Type value) returns boolean
      integer count = 0
      integer size = table:GetSize()
      repeat while count < size
          Array<Type> item = table:Get(count)
          boolean removedItem = item:Remove(value)
          if removedItem
              return true
          count = count + 1
      return false

Feature Vector: F1:0, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:3, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: determine
Xiaoran's answer:
vector: 0,0,0,0, 3,0,0,2 action: determine
*the action is identified based on the model table. However, if we understand the code, the action is not correct. The reason the model can not get this action correct is that such situations in Java do not happen often. It may not occur often in Quorum either.

Repo→ Quorum3 → Library → Standard → Libraries→ Data → Formats → DocumentTypeDefinition.quorum
36. Line no.- 161-167

      public action GetEntityValue(text name) returns text
      Iterator<DocumentTypeDefinitionEntity> els = entities:GetIterator()
      DocumentTypeDefinitionEntity e
      repeat while els:HasNext()
          e = els:Next()
          entityName = e:GetName()
          if entityName:Equals(name)
              return e:GetValue()
      return name

Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:GetValue(), F3:0, F4:2, F5:4, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: not identified as method name not listed in action identification table.

Repo→ Quorum3 → Library → Standard → Libraries→ Games → Interface → Panel.quorum
37. Line no.- 110-116

     action ItemAtPoint(number x, number y) returns Item
      integer index = items:GetSize() - 1
      Item temp = undefined
      repeat items:GetSize() times
          temp = items:Get(index)
          if temp:GetX() <= x and temp:GetX() + temp:GetWidth() >= x and temp:GetY() <= y and temp:GetY() + temp:GetHeight() >= y
              return temp
          index = index - 1
      return undefined

Feature Vector: F1:0, F2:0, F3:0, F4:2, F5:4, F6:0, F7:1, F8:1
Action Identified: find

Repo→ Quorum3 → Library → Standard → Libraries→ Games → Keys.quorum
38. Line no.- 494-499

  action InitializeKeyNames
      integer index = 0
      repeat while index < 256
          text name = ToText(index)
          if name not= undefined
              keyNames:put(index, index)

Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:3, F3:0, F4:1, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
Action Identified: not identified Should be identified as something like add
Xiaoran's answer:
vector: 5,3,0,1,0,0,0,2 action: not identified

Question to ask Xiaoran
- do we consider loops with both if and else, or only loops with single if(which is the also the last lexical statement of the block). If we consider loops with if and else, then which ending statement to consider- if's or else's?
Answer: We consider loop-ifs with both if and else blocks, but to determine the action, we only consider the last statement in if block.

Repo→ Quorum3 → Library → Standard → Libraries→ Language → Types → Text.quorum
39. Line no.- 580-619
Complex example, we can only take the last statement of if, but our model might not work too well.

   action Split(text delimiter) returns Array<text>
      // TODO: Rewrite this. it is horrid. There are much more clever ways to do this.
Array<text> results
integer pos = 0
integer length = me:GetSize()
Text delim
integer delimLength = delim:GetSize()
text newString = ""
      boolean afterDelim = false
repeat while pos < length
          // If this doesn't start the delimiter, add it to the new string.
          if me:GetCharacter(pos) not= delim:GetCharacter(0)
              newString = newString + me:GetCharacter(pos)
              pos = pos + 1
              afterDelim = false
              // Matches start of delimiter. Keep track and bail if we don't match the delimiter
              text tmpString = ""
              integer delimPos = 0
              text currentChar = me:GetCharacter(pos)
              text currentDelimChar = delim:GetCharacter(0)
              // As long as the values read continue to match the delimiter...
              repeat while delimPos < delimLength and currentChar = currentDelimChar and pos < length
                  tmpString = tmpString + me:GetCharacter(pos)
                  delimPos = delimPos + 1 // keep going through delimiter
                  pos = pos + 1 // and keep moving ahead in main string                    
                  if pos < length
                      currentChar = me:GetCharacter(pos)
                  if delimPos < delimLength
                      currentDelimChar = delim:GetCharacter(delimPos)
              if delimPos not= delimLength
                  // We didn't reach the end of the delimiter, so add this temporary string and keep moving.
                  tmpString = tmpString + newString
                  afterDelim = false
                  // Delimiter hit. Store the result.
                  newString = ""  
                  afterDelim = true

Completed searching loop-ifs till Repo→ Quorum3 → Library → Standard → Libraries
Sent 10 loop-ifs to Xiaoran for evaluation.

Manual Loop Extraction Report
1. Identified 37 loop-ifs from Quorum language repository.
2. Actions were identified for 17 loop-ifs, after mapping the feature vectors with the existent action identification model.
3. Details of actions identified: find(4 loop-ifs-Sample loop no.s - 1,26,33,37) + get(5 loop-ifs-Sample loop no.s - 2,12,14,15,22) + determine(8 loop-ifs-Sample loop no.s - 23,27,28,29,30,32,34,35). Only these 3 actions were identified.
4. 20 loop-ifs could not be identified: Could not be identified as no corresponding entry found in the action identification model(11 loop-ifs) + could not be identified as last statement of if block was method call, and the method name was not listed in the action identification model(9 loop-ifs-Sample loop no.s - 4,5,8,13,16,17,18,19,36).
5. Out of the 11 loop-ifs which could not be identified as no corresponding entry found in the action identification model - a few were very close to identifying action find(Sample loop no.s - 3,10,21)
6. Out of the 17 loop-ifs identified action, one is identified wrong(Loop no-35), it should have been action remove.
7. Also, one of the issues which I think is very important, is that, all the loop-ifs which should be identified as add, are getting identified as get(Sample loop no- 2,12,14,15,22). This is because, according to Xiaoran this loops should have F2=1 , whereas I thought it should be F2=2. Had it been identified as F2=2, then the feature vector corresponds to the correct action(add) from the action identification model.
Spoke to Xiaoran, he says it is just the label, get-actually means add.(Previously get and add were named as add1 and add2, later to avoid confusion one is labelled as get) Not sure how to handle this. Should I just consider those as get(s) and move on? Need your input.Please let me know if you need further details about manual extraction process
Note: Loop no.s sent to Xiaoran for evaluation - 5,6,14,15,21,22,24,27,33,35,38. All details of his comments and mine are documented above for reference.

Reply of Dr. Stefik on Quorum Compiler in a private list(Google group):
The compiler has changed a lot in the last year and we haven't posted documentation on how to use it yet, largely because our official release date isn't until June 30th (12 days). That said, since this is a private list, here's the easiest way to build it (I am writing the instructions soon anyway):
1. Download NetBeans 8.02 or later from Oracle and the latest of JDK 8
2. Go to Tools → Plugins. Under settings, add the following as an update center:
3. This will give you access to two plugins, Quorum 3 and Accessibility.
4. Restart NetBeans and you should be able to open/create Quorum projects.

The compiler is in a separate project, not the standard library, but can be found here: under the folder Quorum3.
5. If you grabbed the compiler, you should be able to click Build and it will work as expected.
Now, if you have the compiler, you can use the Compiler class to build source, or you can make your own QuorumSourceListener subclass and then do what you want in processing source. Finally, if you just can't get any of that to work, you can always copy the Antlr grammar for Quorum directly and then tweak it to your heart's content. That is located here:

HTH, Stefik

My updates on compiler and AST:
Successfully followed steps 1-5.
Compiler class is to be found at(no idea how to build source with it) : /Users/preethac/Desktop/Research/Summer Project 2015/Quorum_Repo_New/Quorum3/Build/quorum/Libraries/Language/ and not visible from Sodbeans(IDE for Quorum).
Class QuorumSourceListener is to be found in file “QuorumSourceListener.quorum”
Also no clear instructions given on how to run Quorum from cmd(tried installing but failed), so trying to run the whole compiler project from Sodbeans only and figure out the flow(working on it now). Quorum3 folder is the whole compiler project.

Preethas-MacBook-Pro:SourceCode preethac$ grep “class QuorumSourceListener” *.quorum
QuorumSourceListener.quorum:class QuorumSourceListener

Preethas-MacBook-Pro:SourceCode preethac$ grep QuorumSourceListener *.quorum
Compiler.quorum: private action ParseSandbox(text source, QuorumSourceListener listener, SymbolTable table, CompilerErrorManager errors,
Compiler.quorum: action Parse(File file, QuorumSourceListener listener)
Compiler.quorum: private system action ParseNative(File file, QuorumSourceListener listener)
Compiler.quorum: action Parse(text source, QuorumSourceListener listener)
Compiler.quorum: private system action ParseNative(text source, QuorumSourceListener listener)
Parser.quorum:class Parser is QuorumSourceListener
QuorumBytecodeListener.quorum:class QuorumBytecodeListener is QuorumSourceListener
QuorumJavascriptListener.quorum:class QuorumJavascriptListener is QuorumSourceListener
QuorumSourceListener.quorum:class QuorumSourceListener
TypeCheckListener.quorum:class TypeCheckListener is QuorumSourceListener

Examining useful(what I think) pieces of code:
Compiler.quorum(line no-2121-2139) at

    action Parse(File file, QuorumSourceListener listener)
      ParseNative(file, listener)
  private system action ParseNative(File file, QuorumSourceListener listener)
  action Parse(text source, QuorumSourceListener listener)
      ParseNative(source, listener)
  private system action ParseNative(text source, QuorumSourceListener listener)

QuorumSourceListener.quorum at

Parser.quorum at

Parser related .class files at : /Users/preethac/Desktop/Research/Summer Project 2015/Quorum_Repo_New/Quorum3/Library/Standard/Plugins/org/antlr/v4 (for my reference)
or, in general at:

Antlr grammar for Quorum :

When tried running this grammar in Antlr, got the following errors(not able to figure out the errors yet):

 Preethas-MacBook-Pro:tmp preethac$ antlr4 Quorum.g4
 warning(155): Quorum.g4:317:32: rule NEWLINE contains a lexer command with an unrecognized constant value; lexer interpreter may  produce incorrect output
 warning(155): Quorum.g4:318:38: rule WS contains a lexer command with an unrecognized constant value; lexer interpreters may produce incorrect output
 warning(155): Quorum.g4:322:34: rule COMMENTS contains a lexer command with an unrecognized constant value; lexer interpreters may produce incorrect output
 Preethas-MacBook-Pro:tmp preethac$ javac Quorum*.java error: package quorum.Libraries.Language.Compile.Context does not exist
	public quorum.Libraries.Language.Compile.Context.ActionContext actionContext;
	                                                ^ error: package quorum.Libraries.Language.Compile does not exist
	public quorum.Libraries.Language.Compile.QualifiedName qualifiedName;
	                                        ^ error: package quorum.Libraries.Language.Compile.Symbol does not exist
	public quorum.Libraries.Language.Compile.Symbol.Type type;
 3 errors
 Identified these errors are results of the following lines of code in the grammar file.
 Line no:63-66
 method_shared returns [quorum.Libraries.Language.Compile.Context.ActionContext actionContext]
      ACTION ID (LEFT_PAREN (formal_parameter (COMMA formal_parameter)*)? RIGHT_PAREN)? (RETURNS return_type = assignment_declaration )?
 Line no:72-76
 qualified_name returns [quorum.Libraries.Language.Compile.QualifiedName qualifiedName]
:	ids+=ID (PERIOD ids+=ID)* 
 block 	:	statement*
 Line no:150-156
 assignment_declaration returns [quorum.Libraries.Language.Compile.Symbol.Type type]
:	qualified_name generic_statement?   #GenericAssignmentDeclaration
|	INTEGER_KEYWORD                     #IntegerAssignmentDeclaration
|	NUMBER_KEYWORD                      #NumberAssignmentDeclaration
|	TEXT                                #TextAssignmentDeclaration
|	BOOLEAN_KEYWORD                     #BooleanAssignmentDeclaration
 Directory to be searched for the location is: 
 Desktop/Research/Summer Project 2015/Quorum_Latest/quorum/plugins/quorum/Libraries/Language/Compile/
 Tried running antlr4 from the above path, shows same error.
 Copied All directories of "quorum/Libraries/Language/Compile/..." to local directory and also Quorum.g4 in the same directory, still gives the same error.
 Desktop/Research/Summer Project 2015/Quorum_Latest/plugins/ParserPlugin/src/plugins/quorum/Libraries/Language/Compile
 Same results as above
 What does return mean in ANTLR grammar?
 Reference :
 <rule> returns [<datatype> <variablename>]
   ; ...
   Instead of using temporary storage to share data between event methods(like in implementation of listeners/visitors), we can store those values in the parse tree itself. 
 Temporarily works if following changes made in grammar file(but supposedly not correct)
 method_shared returns [quorum.Libraries.Language.Compile.Context.ActionContext actionContext] made to:
 method_shared returns [ActionContext actionContext]
 qualified_name returns [quorum.Libraries.Language.Compile.QualifiedName qualifiedName] made to:
 qualified_name returns [String qualifiedName] 
 (as QualifiedName qualifiedName doesn't work)
 assignment_declaration returns [quorum.Libraries.Language.Compile.Symbol.Type type] made to:
 assignment_declaration returns [String type]
 (as Type type doesn't work)
 Currently experimenting on /Users/preethac/Desktop/Research/Summer Project 2015/Antlr/quorum/plugins/Quorum.g4
 Preethas-MacBook-Pro:plugins preethac$ grun Quorum statement -tree
 if a > 100
  c = 1
 elseif b = 100
 c = 2
 c = 3
 (statement (if_statement if (expression (expression (action_call a)) > (expression 100)) (block (statement (assignment_statement c = (expression 1)))) elseif (expression (expression (action_call b)) = (expression 100)) (block (statement (assignment_statement c = (expression 2)))) else (block (statement (assignment_statement c = (expression 3)))) end))
 Preethas-MacBook-Pro:plugins preethac$ grun Quorum loop_statement -tree
 repeat until a < 15
     a = a + 1
 (loop_statement repeat until (expression (expression (action_call a)) < (expression 15)) (block (statement (assignment_statement a = (expression (expression (action_call a)) + (expression 1))))) end)
 Preethas-MacBook-Pro:plugins preethac$ grun Quorum statement -tree
    repeat while index < 256
        text name = ToText(index)
        if name not= undefined
            keyNames:put(index, index)

(statement (loop_statement repeat while (expression (expression (action_call index)) < (expression 256)) (block (statement (assignment_statement (assignment_declaration text) name = (expression (action_call ToText ( (function_expression_list (expression (action_call index))) ))))) (statement (if_statement if (expression (expression (action_call name)) not= (expression undefined)) (block (statement (solo_method_call (qualified_name keyNames) : put ( (expression (action_call index)) , (expression (action_call index)) )))) end))) end))

Running Quorum from Console
/Users/preethac/Desktop/Research/Summer Project 2015/Quorum_Console/Quorum3

  Preethas-MacBook-Pro:Quorum3 preethac$ ls -lrt
  total 4336
  -rwxr-xr-x@ 1 preethac  staff  2212531 Jun 30 11:18 Quorum.jar
  drwxr-xr-x@ 5 preethac  staff      170 Jul  4 19:55 Library 
  -rw-r--r--  1 preethac  staff       15 Jul  6 22:27 Hello.quorum
  drwxr-xr-x  3 preethac  staff      102 Jul  6 22:28 Run
  drwxr-xr-x  3 preethac  staff      102 Jul  6 22:28 Build
  Preethas-MacBook-Pro:Quorum3 preethac$ java -jar Quorum.jar -name MyProgram -compile Hello.quorum
  Quorum 3.0
  Build Successful
  Preethas-MacBook-Pro:Run preethac$ pwd
  /Users/preethac/Desktop/Research/Summer Project 2015/Quorum_Console/Quorum3/Run
  Preethas-MacBook-Pro:Run preethac$ java -jar MyProgram.jar 

Running with -help

  Preethas-MacBook-Pro:Quorum3 preethac$ java -jar Quorum.jar -help
  Quorum Quorum 3.0
  Quorum is a computer programming language, which you can use either from the console using flags (the program you just ran) or from a development environment (like NetBeans). For this version, the commands that Quorum knows take the following format:
  java -jar Quorum.jar (-flag value*)*
  What this means is that you can pass a flag to Quorum combined with any number of values. The legal flags are listed as follows:
  -name This flag tells Quorum to change the name the file is outputs.
  1. compile This flag tells Quorum to compile a set of files.
  1. test This flag tells Quorum to run its test suite on itself.
  1. help This flag tells Quorum to output this help screen.
  Here are a few examples of how you can use this program:
      java -jar Quorum.jar Hello.quorum 
  This would request that Quorum compiles the source file Hello.quorum.
      java -jar Quorum.jar -compile Hello.quorum
      java -jar Quorum.jar -name MyProgram -compile Hello.quorum
  This would cause Quorum to compile Hello.quorum and name the output MyProgram.
      java -jar Quorum.jar Hello.quorum Goodbye.quorum
  This would cause Quorum to Compile two source code files. The first file must have a Main action.
  For more information on writing programs in Quorum, visit
Creates a temporary directory, copies into it the source code for compiler(all files in source code), the library files and the files under Run. Compiles all latest(Quorum3) compiler files in Quorum2(using Default.jar) and creates Quorum.jar. Using this jar file re-compiles Quorum3 in Quorum3. Creates a folder Quorum, copies into the final Quorum.jar and Library files. Runs all the test suite(library files) on Quorum.jar. This Quorum.jar is the actual compiler, using which we can now compile our quorum programs.

 wifi-roaming-128-4-156-36:Quorum preethac$ java -jar Quorum.jar Hello.quorum 
 Quorum 3.0
 Build Successful
 wifi-roaming-128-4-156-36:Quorum preethac$ ls -lrt
 total 3592
 -rw-r--r--  1 preethac  staff  1833024 Jul  7 16:36 Quorum.jar
 drwxr-xr-x@ 4 preethac  staff      136 Jul  7 16:37 Library
 -rw-r--r--  1 preethac  staff       15 Jul  7 16:42 Hello.quorum
 drwxr-xr-x  3 preethac  staff      102 Jul  7 16:42 Run
 drwxr-xr-x  3 preethac  staff      102 Jul  7 16:42 Build
 wifi-roaming-128-4-156-36:Quorum preethac$ cd Run/
 wifi-roaming-128-4-156-36:Run preethac$ ls -lrt
 total 512
 -rw-r--r--  1 preethac  staff  258607 Jul  7 16:42 Default.jar
 wifi-roaming-128-4-156-36:Run preethac$ java -jar Default.jar 

Antlr Error
Couldn't fix the error. Refer and But could not figure out the causes-not sure if we need to edit the grammar file to run Antlr. Compared the Quorum.tokens file generated by Antlr after running Antlr4 Quorum.g4, and the given Quorum.token file, looks like it is similar.

.class files in library,,,,,etc. Decoded the .class files to .java files with Sodbeans.Not able to understand the compiled-code sections in it.Clueless.


Running ANTLR
Add antlr-4.5-complete.jar to your CLASSPATH:

$ export CLASSPATH=".:/usr/local/lib/antlr-4.5-complete.jar:$CLASSPATH"

It's also a good idea to put this in your .bash_profile or whatever your startup script is.

Create aliases for the ANTLR Tool, and TestRig.

$ alias antlr4='java -Xmx500M -cp "/usr/local/lib/antlr-4.5-complete.jar:$CLASSPATH" org.antlr.v4.Tool'
$ alias grun='java org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.TestRig'

ANTLR provides a flexible testing tool in the runtime library called TestRig. 
It can display lots of information about how a recognizer matches input from a file or standard input. 
TestRig uses Java reflection to invoke compiled recognizers. 
The test rig takes a grammar name, a starting rule name kind of like a main() method, and various options that dictate the output we want.
Let’s say we’d like to print the tokens created during recognition. 
Tokens are vocabulary symbols like keyword hello and identifier parrt.
grammar Hello; // Define a grammar called Hello
r : 'hello' ID ; // match keyword hello followed by an identifier
ID : [a-z]+ ; // match lower-case identifiers
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ; // skip spaces, tabs, newlines, \r (Windows)

$ antlr4 Hello.g4 
# Generate parser and lexer using antlr4 alias from before 
$ ls
$ javac *.java # Compile ANTLR-generated code

$ grun Hello r -tokens # start the TestRig on grammar Hello at rule r
➾ hello parrt # input for the recognizer that you type
➾ EOF # type ctrl-D on Unix or Ctrl+Z on Windows

 ❮ [@0,0:4='hello',<1>,1:0] # these three lines are output from grun 
 ➾ $ grun Hello r -tree
 ➾ hello parrt ➾EOF
 ❮ (r hello parrt)
 grun Hello r -trace
 hello parrt
 enter   r, LT(1)=hello
 consume [@0,0:4='hello',<1>,1:0] rule r
 consume [@1,6:10='parrt',<2>,1:6] rule r
 exit    r, LT(1)=<EOF>
 $ grun
 java org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.TestRig GrammarName startRuleName
   [-tokens] [-tree] [-gui] [-ps] [-encoding encodingname]
   [-trace] [-diagnostics] [-SLL]
 Use startRuleName='tokens' if GrammarName is a lexer grammar.
 Omitting input-filename makes rig read from stdin.
  1. tokens prints out the token stream.
  2. tree prints out the parse tree in LISP form.
  3. gui displays the parse tree visually in a dialog box.
  4. ps generates a visual representation of the parse tree in PostScript and stores it in The parse tree figures in this chapter were generated with -ps.
  5. encoding encodingname specifies the test rig input file encoding if the current locale would not read the input properly. For example, we need this option to parse a Japanese-encoded XML file in Section 12.4, Parsing and Lexing XML, on page 224.
  6. trace prints the rule name and current token upon rule entry and exit. -diagnostics turns on diagnostic messages during parsing. This generates messages only for unusual situations such as ambiguous input phrases.
  7. SLL uses a faster but slightly weaker parsing strategy.

ANTLR Parsing
The process of grouping characters into words or symbols (tokens) is called lexical analysis or simply tokenizing. We call a program that tokenizes the input a lexer. The lexer can group related tokens into token classes, or token types, such as INT (integers), ID (identifiers), FLOAT (floating-point numbers), and so on. The lexer groups vocabulary symbols into types when the parser cares only about the type, not the individual symbols. Tokens consist of at least two pieces of information: the token type (identifying the lexical structure) and the text matched for that token by the lexer. The second stage is the actual parser and feeds off of these tokens to recognize the sentence structure, in this case an assignment statement. By default, ANTLR generated parsers build a data structure called a parse tree or syntax tree that records how the parser recognized the structure of the input sentence and its component phrases.
Lexers process characters and pass tokens to the parser, which in turn checks syntax and creates a parse tree. The correspond- ing ANTLR classes are CharStream, Lexer, Token, Parser, and ParseTree. The “pipe” connecting the lexer and parser is called a TokenStream.
ParseTree subclasses RuleNode and TerminalNode that correspond to subtree roots and leaf nodes. RuleNode has familiar methods such as getChild() and getParent(), but RuleNode isn’t specific to a particular grammar. To better support access to the elements within specific nodes, ANTLR generates a RuleNode subclass for each rule.
ANTLR generates tree walking mechanisms automatically.
By default, ANTLR generates a parse-tree listener interface that responds to events triggered by the built-in tree walker. To walk a tree and trigger calls into a listener, ANTLR’s runtime provides class ParseTreeWalker. To make a language application, we build a ParseTreeListener implementation containing application-specific code that typically calls into a larger surrounding application. ANTLR generates a ParseTreeListener subclass specific to each grammar with enter and exit methods for each rule.
Option -visitor asks ANTLR to generate a visitor interface from a grammar with a visit method per rule.

ParseTree tree = ... ; // tree is result of parsing 
MyVisitor v = new MyVisitor();

There are two key ANTLR components: the ANTLR tool itself and the ANTLR runtime (parse-time) API. When we say “run ANTLR on a grammar,” we’re talking about running the ANTLR tool, class org.antlr.v4.Tool. Running ANTLR generates code (a parser and a lexer) that recognizes sentences in the language described by the grammar. A lexer breaks up an input stream of characters into tokens and passes them to a parser that checks the syntax. The runtime is a library of classes and methods needed by that generated code such as Parser, Lexer, and Token. First we run ANTLR on a grammar and then compile the generated code against the runtime classes in the jar. Ultimately, the compiled application runs in conjunction with the runtime classes.

/** Grammars always start with a grammar header. This grammar is called
 *  ArrayInit and must match the filename: ArrayInit.g4
grammar ArrayInit;
/** A rule called init that matches comma-separated values between {...}. */

init : '{' value (',' value)* '}' ; // must match at least one value
    /** A value can be either a nested array/struct or a simple integer (INT) */
value : init 
      | INT
// parser rules start with lowercase letters, lexer rules with uppercase 
INT : [0-9]+ ; // Define token INT as one or more digits
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ; // Define whitespace rule, toss it out This file contains the parser class definition specific to grammar ArrayInit that recognizes our array language syntax. public class ArrayInitParser extends Parser { … } It contains a method for each rule in the grammar as well as some support code. ANTLR automatically extracts a separate parser and lexer specification from our grammar. This file contains the lexer class definition, which ANTLR generated by analyzing the lexical rules INT and WS as well as the grammar literals '{', ',', and '}'. Recall that the lexer tokenizes the input, breaking it up into vocabulary symbols. Here’s the class outline: public class ArrayInitLexer extends Lexer { … }

ArrayInit.tokens ANTLR assigns a token type number to each token we define and stores these values in this file. It’s needed when we split a large grammar into multiple smaller grammars so that ANTLR can synchronize all the token type numbers. See Importing Grammars, on page 36., By default, ANTLR parsers build a tree from the input. By walking that tree, a tree walker can fire “events” (callbacks) to a listener object that we provide. ArrayInitListener is the interface that describes the callbacks we can implement. ArrayInitBaseListener is a set of empty default implementations. This class makes it easy for us to override just the callbacks we’re interested in. ANTLR can alsogenerate tree visitors for us with the -visitor command-line option.

Integrating a Generated Parser into a Java Program

// import ANTLR's runtime libraries
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.*;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// create a CharStream that reads from standard input
ANTLRInputStream input = new ANTLRInputStream(; 

// create a lexer that feeds off of input CharStream
ArrayInitLexer lexer = new ArrayInitLexer(input); 

// create a buffer of tokens pulled from the lexer
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); 

// create a parser that feeds off the tokens buffer
ArrayInitParser parser = new ArrayInitParser(tokens);

ParseTree tree = parser.init(); // begin parsing at init rule
System.out.println(tree.toStringTree(parser)); // print LISP-style tree 

// Create a generic parse tree walker that can trigger callbacks
ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
// Walk the tree created during the parse, trigger callbacks 
walker.walk(new ShortToUnicodeString(), tree); 
System.out.println(); // print a \n after translation
➾ $ javac ArrayInit*.java
➾ $ java Test
➾ {1,{2,3},4} ➾EOF
❮ (init { (value 1) , (value (init { (value 2) , (value 3) })) , (value 4) }) 

We can split a large grammar file into logical chunks, such as, parser rules and lexical rules, and one can import the other.
ANTLR parsers automatically generate visitor interfaces and blank method implementations
Modifications to the grammar - need to label the alternatives of the rules. (The labels can be any identifier that doesn’t collide with a rule name.) Without labels on the alternatives, ANTLR generates only one visitor method per rule.

stat:   expr NEWLINE         # printExpr
    | ID '=' expr NEWLINE    # assign
    | NEWLINE ;              # blank
expr: expr op=('*'|'/') expr # MulDiv
    | expr op=('+'|'-') expr # AddSub 
    | INT                    # int
    | ID                     #id
    | '(' expr ')'           # parens 
MUL :'*' ; // assigns token name to '*' used above in grammar 
DIV :'/' ;
ADD :'+' ;
SUB :'-' ;

ANTLR Visitor

➾ $ antlr4 -no-listener -visitor LabeledExpr.g4
First, ANTLR generates a visitor interface with a method for each labeled alternative name.

public interface LabeledExprVisitor<T> 
T visitId(LabeledExprParser.IdContext ctx); # from label id
T visitAssign(LabeledExprParser.AssignContext ctx); # from label assign 
T visitMulDiv(LabeledExprParser.MulDivContext ctx); # from label MulDiv ...

ANTLR also generates a default visitor implementation called LabeledExprBaseVisitor that we can subclass.

ANTLR Listener
The key “interface” between the grammar and our listener object is called JavaListener, and ANTLR automatically generates it for us. It defines all of the methods that class ParseTreeWalker from ANTLR’s runtime can trigger as it traverses the parse tree.
The biggest difference between the listener and visitor mechanisms is that listener methods are called by the ANTLR-provided walker object, whereas visitor methods must walk their children with explicit visit calls. Forgetting to invoke visit() on a node’s children means those subtrees don’t get visited. ANTLR generates a default implementation called JavaBaseListener. Our interface extractor can then subclass JavaBaseListener and override the methods of interest.

ANTLR Grammar
Channels-The secret to preserving but ignoring comments and whitespace is to send those tokens to the parser on a “hidden channel.” The parser tunes to only a single channel and so we can pass anything we want on the other channels.
ANTLR generates a function for each rule in your grammar.

Introduction to grammar:
Grammars consist of a header that names the grammar and a set of rules that can invoke each other.

grammar MyG;
rule1 : «stuff» ; 
rule2 : «more stuff» ; ...

The nouns on the right side are typically references to either tokens or yet-to-be-defined rules.

Pattern: Sequence
In a grammar for eg. the retrieve command is a keyword followed by an integer followed by a newline token. To specify such a sequence in a grammar, we simply list the elements in order. In ANTLR notation, the retrieve command is just sequence 'RETR' INT '\n', where INT represents the integer token type.
retr : 'RETR' INT '\n' ; (match keyword integer newline sequence).
We are labeling the RETR sequence as the retr rule. Elsewhere in the grammar, we can refer to the RETR sequence with the rule name as a shorthand.
To encode a sequence of one or more elements, we use the + subrule operator. Eg: INT+
To specify that a list can be empty, we use the zero-or-more * operator: INT*

 match 'rule-name :' followed by at least one alternative followed by zero 
 or more alternatives separated by '|' symbols followed by ';' 
 rule : ID ':' alternative ('|' alternative )* ';' ;

Pattern: Choice
To express the notion of choice in a language, we use | as the “or” operator in ANTLR rules to separate grammatical choices called alternatives or produc- tions. Grammars are full of choices.

 stmt: node_stmt 
     | edge_stmt 
     | attr_stmt 
     | id '=' id
     | subgraph 

Pattern: Token Dependency

    : '{' pair (',' pair)* '}' 
    | '{' '}' // empty object 
pair: STRING ':' value ;

Pattern: Nested Phrase
If the pseudocode for a rule references itself, we are going to need a recursive (self-referencing) rule. Let’s see how nesting works for code blocks. A while statement is the keyword while followed by a condition expression in parentheses followed by a statement. We can also treat multiple statements as a single block statement by wrapping them in curly braces. Expressing that grammatically looks like this:

stat: 'while' '(' expr ')' stat // match WHILE statement
    | '{' stat* '}' // match block of statements in curlies
    ... // and other kinds of statements 

Antlr grammar resolved operator precedence by the alternative given first

  expr : expr '^'<assoc=right> expr // ^ operator is right associative 
       | expr '*' expr // match subexpressions joined with '*' operator 
       | expr '+' expr // match subexpressions joined with '+' operator 
       | INT // matches simple integer atom

Highest priority to ^, then * and so forth. By default, ANTLR associates operators left to right as we’d expect for * and +. Some operators like exponentiation group right to left, though, so we have to manually specify the associativity on the operator token using option assoc.
In grammar pseudo code, a string is a sequence of any characters between double quotes.
STRING : '“' .*? '”' ; match anything in “…”,as a pattern for matching stuff inside quotes or other delimiters.
When a lexer matches the tokens we’ve defined so far, it emits them via the token stream to the parser. The parser then checks the grammatical structure of the stream.

 Token Category  Description and Examples
 Punctuation     The easiest way to handle operators and punctuation is to directly reference them in parser rules.
                 call : ID '(' exprList ')' ;
                 Some programmers prefer to define token labels such as LP (left parenthesis) instead.
                 call : ID LP exprList RP ;
                 LP : '(' ;
                 RP : ')' ;
 Keywords        Keywords are reserved identifiers, and we can either reference them directly or define token types for them.
                 returnStat : 'return' expr ';'
 Identifiers     Identifiers look almost the same in every language, with some variation about what the first character can be and whether Unicode characters are allowed.
                 ID : ID_LETTER (ID_LETTER | DIGIT)* ; // From C language 
                 fragment ID_LETTER : 'a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_' ;
                 fragment DIGIT : '0'..'9' ;
 Numbers         These are definitions for integers and simple floating-point numbers.
                 INT : DIGIT+ ;
                     : DIGIT+ '.' DIGIT* 
                     | '.' DIGIT+
 Strings        Match double-quoted strings.
                STRING: '"'(ESC|.)*?'"';
                fragment ESC : '\\' [btnr"\\] ; // \b, \t, \n etc...
 Comments       Match and discard comments.
                LINE_COMMENT : '//' .*? '\n' -> skip ; 
                COMMENT : '/*' .*? '*/' -> skip ;
 Whitespace     Match and discard comments.
                WS : [ \t\n\r]+ -> skip ;

ANTLR Listeners and Visitors
A listener is an object that responds to rule entry and exit events (phrase recognition events) triggered by a parse-tree walker as it discovers and finishes nodes. To support situations where an application must control how a tree is walked, ANTLR-generated parse trees also support the well-known tree visitor pattern. The biggest difference between listeners and visitors is that listener methods aren’t responsible for explicitly calling methods to walk their children. Visitors, on the other hand, must explicitly trigger visits to child nodes to keep the tree traversal going. Visitors get to control the order of traversal and how much of the tree gets visited because of these explicit calls to visit children.

From the grammar, ANTLR generates <filename>Parser, which automatically builds the parse tree.
Once we have a parse tree, we can use ParseTreeWalker to visit all of the nodes, triggering enter and exit methods. ANTLR’s ParseTreeWalker triggers enter and exit methods for each rule subtree as it discovers and finishes nodes, respectively.

ANTLR generates a <filename>Listener from the grammar file.
ANTLR also generates class PropertyFileBaseListener with default implementations which implements the PropertyFileListener.

  file : prop+ ;
  prop : ID '=' STRING '\n' ;
  ID   : [a-z]+ ;
  STRING : '"' .*? '"' ;
  import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.*; 
  import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token;
  public interface PropertyFileListener extends ParseTreeListener 
  void enterFile(PropertyFileParser.FileContext ctx);
  void exitFile(PropertyFileParser.FileContext ctx);
  void enterProp(PropertyFileParser.PropContext ctx);
  void exitProp(PropertyFileParser.PropContext ctx);

Because there are only two parser rules in grammar PropertyFile, there are four methods in the interface.
import org.antlr.v4.misc.OrderedHashMap;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.*;
import java.util.Map;
public class TestPropertyFile {
  public static class PropertyFileLoader extends PropertyFileBaseListener {
      Map<String,String> props = new OrderedHashMap<String, String>();
      public void exitProp(PropertyFileParser.PropContext ctx) {
          String id = ctx.ID().getText(); // prop : ID '=' STRING '\n' ;
          String value = ctx.STRING().getText();
          props.put(id, value);
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
      String inputFile = null;
      if ( args.length>0 ) inputFile = args[0];
      InputStream is =;
      if ( inputFile!=null ) {
          is = new FileInputStream(inputFile);
      ANTLRInputStream input = new ANTLRInputStream(is);
      PropertyFileLexer lexer = new PropertyFileLexer(input);
      CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
      PropertyFileParser parser = new PropertyFileParser(tokens);
      ParseTree tree = parser.file();
      // create a standard ANTLR parse tree walker
      ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
      // create listener then feed to walker
      PropertyFileLoader loader = new PropertyFileLoader();
      walker.walk(loader, tree);        // walk parse tree
      System.out.println(loader.props); // print results

Interface ParseTreeListener is in the ANTLR runtime library and dictates that every listener respond to events visitTerminal(), enterEveryRule(), exitEveryRule(), and (upon syntax errors) visitErrorNode(). ANTLR generates interface PropertyFileListener from grammar PropertyFile and default implementations for all methods in class PropertyFileBaseListener. The only thing that we’re building is the PropertyFileLoader, which inherits all of the blank functionality from PropertyFileBaseListener. Method exitProp() has access to the rule context object, PropContext, associated with rule prop. That context object has methods for each of the elements mentioned in rule prop (ID and STRING). Because those elements are token ref- erences in the grammar, the methods return TerminalNode parse-tree nodes. We can either directly access the text of the token payload via getText(), as we’ve done here, or get the Token payload first via getSymbol().

 $ antlr4 PropertyFile.g4
 $ ls PropertyFile*.java
 $ javac PropertyFile*.java
 $ cat
 $ java TestPropertyFile
 {user="parrt", machine="maniac"}

Our test program successfully reconstitutes the property assignments from the file into a map data structure in memory.

To use a visitor instead of a listener, we ask ANTLR to generate a visitor interface, implement that interface, and then create a test rig that calls visit() on the parse tree. When we use the -visitor option on the command line, ANTLR generates interface PropertyFileVisitor and class PropertyFileBaseVisitor, which has the following default implementations:

 public class PropertyFileBaseVisitor<T> extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<T> implements PropertyFileVisitor<T>
  @Override public T visitFile(PropertyFileParser.FileContext ctx) { ... } 
  @Override public T visitProp(PropertyFileParser.PropContext ctx) { ... }
 import org.antlr.v4.misc.OrderedHashMap;
 import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*;
 import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.*;
 import java.util.Map;
 public class TestPropertyFileVisitor {
  public static class PropertyFileVisitor extends
      Map<String,String> props = new OrderedHashMap<String, String>();
      public Void visitProp(PropertyFileParser.PropContext ctx) {
          String id = ctx.ID().getText(); // prop : ID '=' STRING '\n' ;
          String value = ctx.STRING().getText();
          props.put(id, value);
          return null; // Java says must return something even when Void
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
      String inputFile = null;
      if ( args.length>0 ) inputFile = args[0];
      InputStream is =;
      if ( inputFile!=null ) {
          is = new FileInputStream(inputFile);
      ANTLRInputStream input = new ANTLRInputStream(is);
      PropertyFileLexer lexer = new PropertyFileLexer(input);
      CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
      PropertyFileParser parser = new PropertyFileParser(tokens);
      ParseTree tree = parser.file();
      PropertyFileVisitor loader = new PropertyFileVisitor();
      System.out.println(loader.props); // print results

Visitors walk parse trees by explicitly calling interface ParseTreeVisitor’s visit() method on child nodes. That method is implemented in AbstractParseTreeVisitor. In this case, the nodes created for prop invocations don’t have children, so visitProp() doesn’t have to call visit().
The biggest difference between a visitor and listener test rig (such as TestPropertyFile) is that visitor test rigs don’t need a ParseTreeWalker. They just ask the visitor to visit the tree created by the parser.

Questions about Proposal Writing
1.Do I need to include all the citations that Xiaoran used in his paper? No, only 6,4,26,27,quorum website, stefik’s paper, probably 12 or 13 in total.
2.Cited Xiaoran's paper, hope that is alright.
3.What do I need to cite in reference to Quorum?Any paper, their website,etc?
4.Cited ANTLR4 book, hope that is okay.
5.To describe the project outline, can I include a sample Quorum code snippet and explain the corresponding feature vector identified for that loop?
6.Do I include the challenges and motivation with respect to new environment and how to deal with that?
7.What else do I need to add? Should I add the feature vector table from Xiaoran's paper, or should I explain little about the work related to Quorum compilers?

Margin should be 1 inch on left and right -done
Change verbs in project steps - done
after first line cite quorum website, say how many blind prog are there(to be found somewhere in his website), refer to his paper.-done
at the end, before the reference, present a summary of results , how it would help programmers,etc-done
Sent for 2nd review to Dr. Pollock.
Added Sakai site for PhD Prelims.

Application on Quorum:

To print out the parse tree of a sample loop-if(fed in command line) in Quorum using a java program
// import ANTLR's runtime libraries
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*; 
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.*;
public class TestQuorum {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            	// create a CharStream that reads from standard input
	ANTLRInputStream input = new ANTLRInputStream(;	
	// create a lexer that feeds off of input CharStream
	QuorumLexer lexer = new QuorumLexer(input);
	 // create a buffer of tokens pulled from the lexer
	CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
	 // create a parser that feeds off the tokens buffer
	QuorumParser parser = new QuorumParser(tokens);
	ParseTree tree = parser.start(); // begin parsing at start rule
             //ParseTree tree = parser.statement(); //begin parsing at statement rule   
	 // print LISP-style tree 
 With parser.start()
 Preethas-MacBook-Pro:Antlr preethac$ java TestQuorum
 repeat while index < 256
      text name = ToText(index)
      if name not= undefined
          keyNames:put(index, index)
 (start (class_declaration (no_class_stmnts (statement (loop_statement repeat while (expression (expression (action_call index)) < (expression 256)) (block (statement (assignment_statement (assignment_declaration text) name = (expression (action_call ToText ( (function_expression_list (expression (action_call index))) ))))) (statement (if_statement if (expression (expression (action_call name)) not= (expression undefined)) (block (statement (solo_method_call keyNames : (solo_method_required_method_part put ( (function_expression_list (expression (action_call index)) , (expression (action_call index))) ))))) end))) end)))) <EOF>)
 with parser.statement()
 Preethas-MacBook-Pro:Antlr preethac$ java TestQuorum
 repeat while index < 256
    text name = ToText(index)
    if name not= undefined
        keyNames:put(index, index)
 (statement (loop_statement repeat while (expression (expression (action_call index)) < (expression 256)) (block (statement (assignment_statement (assignment_declaration text) name = (expression (action_call ToText ( (function_expression_list (expression (action_call index))) ))))) (statement (if_statement if (expression (expression (action_call name)) not= (expression undefined)) (block (statement (solo_method_call keyNames : (solo_method_required_method_part put ( (function_expression_list (expression (action_call index)) , (expression (action_call index))) ))))) end))) end))

Implementing listener and walking a parse tree on Quorum print statement: output “Hello”

 import org.antlr.v4.misc.OrderedHashMap;
 import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*;
 import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.*;
 import java.util.Map;
 public class TestQuorumFile {
   public static class QuorumFileLoader extends QuorumBaseListener {
                //Map<String,String> props = new OrderedHashMap<String, String>();
	  public String value;
      public void exitPrint_statement(QuorumParser.Print_statementContext ctx) {
             //String id = ctx.getText();
             //String value = ctx.getText();
             //props.put(id, value);
   		 value = ctx.getText();
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
      String inputFile = null;
      if ( args.length>0 ) inputFile = args[0];
      InputStream is =;
      if ( inputFile!=null ) {
          is = new FileInputStream(inputFile);
      ANTLRInputStream input = new ANTLRInputStream(is);
      QuorumLexer lexer = new QuorumLexer(input);
      CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
      QuorumParser parser = new QuorumParser(tokens);
      //ParseTree tree = parser.file();
ParseTree tree = parser.start(); // begin parsing at start rule
      System.out.println("\nParse tree is:\n"+tree.toStringTree(parser));
      // create a standard ANTLR parse tree walker
      ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
      // create listener then feed to walker
      QuorumFileLoader loader = new QuorumFileLoader();
      walker.walk(loader, tree);        // walk parse tree
      //System.out.println(loader.props); // print results
System.out.println("\nInput is: \n"+loader.value); // print results
Preethas-MacBook-Pro:Antlr preethac$ antlr4 Quorum.g4 
Preethas-MacBook-Pro:Antlr preethac$ ls Quorum*.java
Preethas-MacBook-Pro:Antlr preethac$ javac Quorum*.java
Preethas-MacBook-Pro:Antlr preethac$ cat
output "Hello"
Preethas-MacBook-Pro:Antlr preethac$ java TestQuorumFile 
Parse tree is:
(start (class_declaration (no_class_stmnts (statement (print_statement output (expression "Hello"))))) <EOF>)
Input is:  

Implementing listener and walking a parse tree on Quorum loop-if statement:

import org.antlr.v4.misc.OrderedHashMap;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.*;
import java.util.Map;
public class TestQuorumFileNew {
  public static class QuorumFileLoader extends QuorumBaseListener 
//        Map<String,String> props = new OrderedHashMap<String, String>();
	  public String value1;
	  public String value2;
	  public String value3,value4,value5,value6;
      public void exitPrint_statement(QuorumParser.Print_statementContext ctx) 
//            String id = ctx.getText();
//            String value = ctx.getText();
//            props.put(id, value);
   		  value1 = ctx.getText();
      public void exitIf_statement(QuorumParser.If_statementContext ctx) 
      		value2 = ctx.getText();
      		value5 = ctx.block().getText();
      		System.out.println("\nParent is:" +ctx.getParent());//not sure what the output means
      		System.out.println("\nChild of if statement is:" +ctx.getChild(0));
      		//System.out.println("Object of if statement is:"+ctx.value()); //gives error
      		//System.out.println("Object of if statement is:"+ctx.object()); //gives error
   	public void exitLoop_statement(QuorumParser.Loop_statementContext ctx) 
      		value3 = ctx.getText();
      		value4 = ctx.expression().getText();
      		value6 = ctx.block().getText();
      		System.out.println("\nChild of loop statement is:" +ctx.getChild(4));
      public void visitTerminal(TerminalNode node) 
          Token symbol = node.getSymbol();
//            System.out.println(node);
          if ( symbol.getType()==QuorumParser.IF ) 
          	System.out.println("\nTerminal node is: "+symbol);
//			{
//                stack.push( Integer.valueOf(symbol.getText()) );
//          }
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
      String inputFile = null;
      if ( args.length>0 ) inputFile = args[0];
      InputStream is =;
      if ( inputFile!=null ) {
          is = new FileInputStream(inputFile);
      ANTLRInputStream input = new ANTLRInputStream(is);
      QuorumLexer lexer = new QuorumLexer(input);
      CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
      QuorumParser parser = new QuorumParser(tokens);
    ParseTree tree = parser.start(); // begin parsing at start rule
      System.out.println("\nParse tree is:\n"+tree.toStringTree(parser));
      // create a standard ANTLR parse tree walker
      ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
      // create listener then feed to walker
      QuorumFileLoader loader = new QuorumFileLoader();
      walker.walk(loader, tree);        // walk parse tree
	 System.out.println("\nInside Print Statement: \n"+loader.value1); // print results
	 System.out.println("\nInside If Statement: \n"+loader.value2); // print results
	 System.out.println("\nInside Loop Statement: \n"+loader.value3); // print results
	 System.out.println("\nBlock Inside Loop Statement: \n"+loader.value6); // print results
Preethas-MacBook-Pro:Antlr preethac$ javac Quorum*.java
Preethas-MacBook-Pro:Antlr preethac$ java TestQuorumFileNew 
Parse tree is:
(start (class_declaration (no_class_stmnts (statement (loop_statement repeat while (expression (expression (action_call index)) < (expression 256)) (block (statement (assignment_statement (assignment_declaration text) name = (expression (action_call ToText ( (function_expression_list (expression (action_call index))) ))))) (statement (if_statement if (expression (expression (action_call name)) not= (expression undefined)) (block (statement (solo_method_call keyNames : (solo_method_required_method_part put ( (function_expression_list (expression (action_call index)) , (expression (action_call index))) ))))) end))) end)))) <EOF>)
Terminal node is: [@22,71:72='if',<58>,3:8]
Parent is:[212 425 221 123 120 96]
Child of if statement is:if
Child of loop statement is:end
Inside Print Statement: null
Inside If Statement: ifnamenot=undefinedkeyNames:put(index,index)end
Inside Loop Statement: repeatwhileindex<256textname=ToText(index)ifnamenot=undefinedkeyNames:put(index,index)endend
Block Inside Loop Statement: textname=ToText(index)ifnamenot=undefinedkeyNames:put(index,index)end

Update on Aug 18,2015:
Code (to generate feature vectors and identify action from a Quorum sample code) is ready.
Next step is to do further testing on the code for accuracy - Completed
Results - Testing of tool on identified Quorum loop-ifs:

  • Feature Vector: F1:1, F2:0, F3:0, F4:2, F5:4, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: find
  • Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:1, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: get
  • Feature Vector: F1:1, F2:0, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: could not be identified(no entry in action identification table)
  • Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:ResolveAllTypes(), F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: not identified as method name not listed in action identification table
  • Feature Vector: F1:4, F2:ResolveClass(), F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: Not identified as method name not listed in action identification table
  • Feature Vector: 1,0,0,2,0,0,0,2 Action Identified: not identified
  • Feature Vector: F1:1, F2:0, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: Not identified(no entry in action identification table)
  • Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:VisitLocalVariable(), F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: Not identified(as method name not listed in action identification model)
  • Feature Vector: F1:1, F2:0, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: Not identified(no entry in action identification table)
  • Feature Vector: F1:1, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: Not identified (no entry in action identification table)
  • Multiple ifs, loop discarded.
  • Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:1, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: get
  • Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:AssignBytecodeLocations(), F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: not identified
  • Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:1, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: get
  • Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:1, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:1 (as we consider only the if loop and it's last statement)
  • Action Identified: get
  • Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:VisitEnd(), F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: cannot be determined as method name not listed in action identification table
  • Feature Vector: F1:4, F2:WriteParentActionBytecode(), F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:1, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: cannot be determined as method name not listed in action identification table
  • Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:VisitEnd(), F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: cannot be determined as method name not listed in action identification table
  • Feature Vector: F1:5, F2: undefined, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: cannot be determined
  • Feature Vector: F1:1, F2:0, F3:0, F4:2, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: not identified as corresponding entry not found in action identification table
  • Feature Vector: F1:1, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:1
  • Action Identified: not identified
  • Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:1, F3:0, F4:0, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: Not identified
  • Feature Vector: F1:0, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:3, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: determine
  • Feature Vector: F1:4, F2:5, F3:0, F4:1, F5:3, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: could not be identified
  • Feature Vector: F1:3, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: could not be identified
  • Feature Vector: F1:0, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:4, F6:1, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: find
  • Feature Vector: F1:0, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:3, F6:1, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: determine
  • Feature Vector: F1:6, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: determine
  • Feature Vector: F1:6, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: determine
  • Feature Vector: F1:0, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:3, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: determine
  • (a) Feature Vector: F1:4, F2:5, F3:0, F4:1, F5:3, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: not identified (b) Feature Vector: F1:6, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2 Action Identified: determine
  • Feature Vector: F1:0, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:3, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: determine
  • Feature Vector: F1:1, F2:0, F3:0, F4:2, F5:4, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: find
  • Feature Vector: F1:0, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:3, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: determine
  • Feature Vector: F1:0, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:3, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: determine
  • Feature Vector: F1:0, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:4, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: find.
  • Feature Vector: F1:0, F2:0, F3:0, F4:0, F5:4, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: find
  • Feature Vector: F1:5, F2:3, F3:0, F4:1, F5:0, F6:0, F7:0, F8:2
  • Action Identified: not identified

Outline of prelims report
1. Introduction
2. Contributions
3. “Developing of Model of Loop Actions”
Cite Xiaoran's paper, Summary of that paper, can use Fig:1 from that paper and the limitations of the model
4. Quorum Language
Introduction, Loop Structures
5. Java to Quorum(Something like that)
In general how to do
Challenges in doing this for Quorum
Research Process/Methodology - Examples, Algorithms, Pictures, ANTLR-how used, parse trees, what changes for each feature vector-syntactic or semantic
6. Results- Accuracy, evaluation by Xiaoran(author of that paper)
7. Discussion - Implications of results, how general is the process, how easy to apply to other languages.
8. Threats to Validity(My limitations of this project)
Less no. of Quorum programs
Less variety of loops
Code form developers of Quorum is used, other programmers' code not available yet.
To minimize the threats:-
a. Collected as many Quorum loops as possible.
b. Real code examples are used, and not sample ones.
c.Could be a future work- to check how our tool works on unseen code from other programmers.

As per department instructions - The written report should not exceed 20 pages in length, and should be structured as a scientific publication, including: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Related Work, appropriate sections that describe the work conducted, the methods used and the results obtained, followed by Analysis/Conclusions and Future Work. The report must also contain a bibliography which is not included in the 20 pages length limit. The first page of the report must include the student name, the title of the work, and the names of the advisor and the committee member.

Tested the tool on standard library test files (This is separate from the initial set of loop-ifs used for the project)
Out of identified 13 loop-ifs, actions were identified for 3 loop-ifs- all three were MAX/MIN.
For rest of the 10 loop-ifs, no actions were identified.
Details of loop code and feature vector values attached.testing_the_tool_on_standard_library_test_files.pdf

Bitbucket Link to Source Code

resarch/nlpa/preethaprelims.txt · Last modified: 2016/06/23 00:32 by preethac
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