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news [2009/07/01 23:00]
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-**January 2009 UDaily UD Computer Science Students Create Teaching Aids** 
-Professor Lori Pollock and Terry Harvey led a fast-track Winter Session course in 2009 designed to explore how students would respond to new teaching methods and materials, ​ to explore the challenges of incorporating robots into introductory computer sciences courses, and to initiate UD involvement in the One Laptop per Child program. 
-  * [[http://​www.udel.edu/​udaily/​2009/​feb/​computers021209.html|The UDaily Article]] 
-** October 2008 UDaily Researchers Mine Words to Help Programmers** 
-Professors Lori Pollock and Vijay Shanker are featured in an article on UDaily talking about 
-the NSF grant that they received in 2008. This grant is for their seminal work in introducing Natural Language Processing 
-techniques to the field of program analysis, thereby helping in a variety of program comprehension and maintenance tasks. 
-  * [[http://​www.udel.edu/​PR/​UDaily/​2008/​oct/​software100507.html|The UDaily Article]] 
-** May 2007 UDaily: Transformation Grants Spark Passion for Learning** 
-Lori Pollock is featured in an article about Transformation Grants. ​ Lori talks about creating the Computer Science Museum and what the Museum tells us about advances in technology. 
-  * [[http://​www.udel.edu/​PR/​UDaily/​2007/​may/​grants051007.html|The UDaily Article]] 
news.1246503626.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2009/07/01 23:00 by pollock
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