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January 2009 UDaily UD Computer Science Students Create Teaching Aids

Professor Lori Pollock and Terry Harvey led a fast-track Winter Session course in 2009 designed to explore how students would respond to new teaching methods and materials, to explore the challenges of incorporating robots into introductory computer sciences courses, and to initiate UD involvement in the One Laptop per Child program.

October 2008 UDaily Researchers Mine Words to Help Programmers

Professors Lori Pollock and Vijay Shanker are featured in an article on UDaily talking about the NSF grant that they received in 2008. This grant is for their seminal work in introducing Natural Language Processing techniques to the field of program analysis, thereby helping in a variety of program comprehension and maintenance tasks.

May 2007 UDaily: Transformation Grants Spark Passion for Learning

Lori Pollock is featured in an article about Transformation Grants. Lori talks about creating the Computer Science Museum and what the Museum tells us about advances in technology.

news.1246503626.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2009/07/01 23:00 by pollock
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