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grads [2009/07/01 15:17]
pollock created
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-====== Information for Interested Graduate Students ====== 
-===== Courses at UD Relevant to the Research ===== 
-=== For Software Engineering-related Research Projects === 
-=== For Compilation-related Research Projects === 
-    * CISC 662 Computer Systems Architecture 
-    * CISC 672 Advanced Compiler Construction 
-    * CISC 673 Advanced Program Analysis and Transformations 
-    * CISC 873 Compiling for Advanced Architectures 
-    * CISC 874 Parallel Programming - Overview of high performance computing architectures,​ parallel program performance measurement,​ different paradigms for achieving parallelism including automatic parallelization,​ message passing, shared memory, data parallel programming with HPF, task and loop scheduling, debugging parallel programs, issues in getting good performance on parallel architectures. PREREQ: CISC 662 is recommended. 
-    * CISC 879 Software Tools and Environments (Spring 2007) 
-    * CISC 879 Software Testing and Maintenance (Spring 2004) 
-(Courses in ECE may also apply.) 
grads.1246475825.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2009/07/01 15:17 by pollock
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