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Information for Interested Graduate Students
Courses at UD Relevant to the Research
For Software Engineering-related Research Projects
For Compilation-related Research Projects
- CISC 662 Computer Systems Architecture
- CISC 672 Advanced Compiler Construction
- CISC 673 Advanced Program Analysis and Transformations
- CISC 873 Compiling for Advanced Architectures
- CISC 874 Parallel Programming - Overview of high performance computing architectures, parallel program performance measurement, different paradigms for achieving parallelism including automatic parallelization, message passing, shared memory, data parallel programming with HPF, task and loop scheduling, debugging parallel programs, issues in getting good performance on parallel architectures. PREREQ: CISC 662 is recommended.
- CISC 879 Software Tools and Environments (Spring 2007)
- CISC 879 Software Testing and Maintenance (Spring 2004)
(Courses in ECE may also apply.)