Record Keeping


Spreadsheet to contain all people (present and past) involved in CT4Y, including but not limited to PIs, peer leaders, students, and teaching and research assistants.

Contact information, team associations (if applicable) and the time period involved in the project is also documented.

xo_past_members.xls (Last updated December 13, 2011)

Pictures & Movies

Hosting of pictures and movies (or any other media type) is now on Dropbox.

  • Username:
  • Password: xoUdel (also the password for the yahoo account)

Upload galleries to the “Photo” folder and create a new directory for your gallery.

By clicking on the folder, you can obtain a public link to the gallery.

A Flikr ( account is set up to share pictures taken at XO events, courses, CCCS, etc.



XO Projects

Past XO projects are currently be documented and archived in a repository on the EECIS network.



  • An Experience Report on Cross-Semester Student Critique and Action in an Integrated Software Engineering, Service Learning Course, Richard Burns, Terry Harvey, Lori Pollock. To appear in 2012 First International Workshop on Software Engineering Education based on Real-World Experiences (EduRex 2012).
  • Integrating Hard and Soft Skills: Software Engineers Serving Middle School Teachers, Richard Burns, Lori Pollock, Terry Harvey. In the Proceedings of the 43rd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, (SIGCSE'12). pp 209-214. 2012. [Acceptance Rate = 34.6% (100/289)]
  • Combining Multiple Pedagogies to Boost Learning and Enthusiasm, Lori Pollock and Terry Harvey, In Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, (ITiCSE'11). pp 258-262. 2011.


On the WWW


Course Materials

Articles on Games and Learning

(from Chrystalla Mouza, UD, School of Education)
two papers looking at the implementation of laptops: 1,2


  • On The Horizon (there is a special issue on gaming)
  • Games and Culture
  • Educational Technology Research and Development

Key Players

Digital Story Telling

Past Course Wikis


Evaluation Surveys

UD XO 1.5 Serial Numbers

Serial Prefix: SHC10200XXX

  1. 0BF (storage: brown box, Burns lab desk)
  2. 0C5 (storage: brown box, Burns lab desk)
  3. 0CB (Bryan Mey)
  4. 0F3 (storage: jeep bag, Pollock's office)
  5. 0F9 (storage: jeep bag, Pollock's office)
  6. 11A (storage: brown box, Burns lab desk)
  7. 11E (storage: jeep bag, Pollock's office)
  8. 12F (storage: jeep bag, Pollock's office)
  9. 141 (storage: jeep bag, Pollock's office)
  10. 148 (storage: jeep bag, Pollock's office)
  11. 17B (storage: brown box, Burns lab desk)
  12. 1B2 (storage: brown box, Burns lab desk)
  13. 1B3 (storage: jeep bag, Pollock's office)
  14. 1C0 (storage: jeep bag, Pollock's office)
  15. 1C1 (storage: jeep bag, Pollock's office)
  16. 1C7 (storage: brown box, Burns lab desk)
  17. 1CF (storage: brown box, Burns lab desk)
  18. 1D6 (Chris Heider)
  19. 219 (storage: brown box, Burns lab desk)
  20. 22F (storage: brown box, Burns lab desk)
  21. 23E (storage: brown box, Burns lab desk)
  22. 244 (storage: brown box, Burns lab desk)
  23. 276 (storage: jeep bag, Pollock's office)
  24. 27E (Burns)
  25. 28C (Pollock)
  26. 293 (storage: jeep bag, Pollock's office)
  27. 296 (storage: brown box, Burns lab desk)
  28. 2B6 (storage: jeep bag, Pollock's office)
  29. 2CD (Burns)
  30. 2EC (Cory Bart)

XO 1.5 Chargers:

  • storage: brown box, Pollock's office (12)
  • Pollock (1)
  • Burns (2)
  • storage: brown boxes, Burns lab desk (9)
  • Bryan Mey (1)
  • Chris Heider (1)
  • Cory Bart (1)

UD XO 1.0 Serial Numbers

Dave Saunders' two XO-1 machines:

  • CSN74803300 (Burns)
  • CSN75000D88 (Deaton)

XO 1 Chargers:

  • Burns (1)
  • Deaton (1)

XO Loans