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undergrads [2009/07/01 21:47]
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-====== Undergraduate Research Opportunities ====== 
-The Software Analysis and Compilation Research Laboratory has a long history of 
-[[alumni|involving undergraduate CIS majors]] in research 
-projects. ​ As a beginning researcher, you will 
-collaborate with Dr. Lori Pollock and one or more CIS graduate students 
-who are actively investigating research problems. 
-As an undergraduate participating in a research project, you will 
-  * work independently on a well-defined subproject of a larger research project 
-  * meet regularly with Dr. Pollock and the research team to discuss progress, issues to be resolved, and directions for the next steps 
-  * interact with the research team members on a daily basis to collaborate in problem solving 
-  * learn how to use various scripting and programming languages, software tools, and software infrastructures inherently helpful in the project 
-  * learn how to read and understand existing software to  leverage and modify existing software for a research project 
-  * learn about the research process, particularly research with a significant basis in experimental computer science 
-  * gain a close up view of various aspects of graduate school 
-  * build a mentoring relationship with graduate students and professor 
-  * establish a valuable record of research experience, knowledge, and skills beyond the classroom experience, ​ increasing your competitiveness for graduate school or post-bachelors employment 
-There are interesting projects for all levels, from first through senior years. Some possible ways to participate in a research project include 
-  * [[http://​www.urp.udel.edu/​scholars/​Overview.aspx|Science and Engineering Scholars program]] through the undergraduate research office, during summer after sophomore year and junior year semester 
-  * [[http://​www.urp.udel.edu/​abroad/​SeniorThesis.aspx|Senior Thesis]] 
-  * Independent study credit 
-  * Paid research assistant, depending on funding availability 
-  * Volunteer researcher 
-Often a student starts in one of these roles and then changes to a different role, all while working on a research project with Dr. Pollock and a group of graduate and/or undergraduate student researchers. 
-To provide a strong, mentored research experience, undergraduate researchers focus on projects linked to current lab research projects. ​ 
-If you are interested in getting involved in a research project, send 
-an email to [[mailto:​pollock@cis.udel.edu|Dr. Pollock]]. ​ Prior 
-to your appointment to discuss the possibility,​ think about the time 
-period you want to participate and whether you are interested in course 
-credit, stipend, or volunteering. 
-====== Resources ====== 
-==== Research ==== 
-  * [[http://​www.urp.udel.edu|UD Undergraduate Research Program]] 
-==== Required Courses ==== 
-  * CISC 220 Data Structures or similar experience 
-==== Related Courses (vary with each project) ==== 
undergrads.1246499234.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2009/07/01 21:47 by pollock
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