8/21/12 - Looked over IRB forms and templates and filled them out. I tried contacting a few people to see if they were willing to look at the survey before I send it out to everyone.

8/22/12 - Tried to use the eclipse metrics program to measure the lines of code in all the software projects we're using. However, while I could get it to work on my own projects, it requires being able to compile the code properly to use. I think this will be too much of a hassle to do with all 10 projects, so I'm looking into other options for measuring this value.

8/23/12 - Had my meeting with Professor Pollock today and she suggested a few other changes to the survey. I went ahead and made them, and also updated the IRB form (singular now) and website documentation. The form should be ready to go once I get people to look it over. I also got CLOC working and was able to get the information about lines of code on 7 of the 10 projects (I'll keep looking to see how to get the code for the other 3.) I ran into a problem in that cmusphinx doesn't appear to have Java code in it dispite being labelled as such on source forge. I may have to drop this project from the running and go with 9 instead. I think the other 3 should be alright though, but I need to check just in case. Later, I had a skype meeting with my friend Nick, and he went through and tried the survey. I took notes on his suggestions for potential changes.