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resarch:nlpa:research_proposal [2014/10/02 16:13]
resarch:nlpa:research_proposal [2014/10/02 16:16] (current)
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   * Data flow chain   * Data flow chain
   * Extended SWIFT   * Extended SWIFT
-\\ **Action Unit Similarity, Clustering, and Example and Code Template Generation**+  ​* Action Unit Similarity, Clustering, and Example and Code Template Generation 
   * Refine the approach to identify action units based on more evaluation and data analysis. ​   * Refine the approach to identify action units based on more evaluation and data analysis. ​
   * Develop an algorithm to detect similarity between action units and cluster similar units. ​   * Develop an algorithm to detect similarity between action units and cluster similar units. ​
resarch/nlpa/research_proposal.1412280834.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/10/02 16:13 by preethac
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