====== Preetha's Page ====== ** Spring 2017:** [[http://hiper.cis.udel.edu/udsacl/doku.php/research/nlpa/preethadissertation|Dissertation]] ** Spring/Summer/Fall 2016:** Identifying/Characterizing Facts and Advice From Mixed Text-Code Artifacts: * [[http://hiper.cis.udel.edu/udsacl/doku.php/research/nlpa/mixedcode | Regular Meeting notes on Identifying/Characterizing Facts and Advice From Mixed Text-Code Artifacts]] * [[http://hiper.cis.udel.edu/udsacl/doku.php/research/nlpa/mixedcodenotespreetha | My Notes on Identifying/Characterizing Facts and Advice From Mixed Text-Code Artifacts]] **Fall 2015:** [[preethaPrelims|Summer 2015 Preliminary Research Project]] ** Spring 2015:** [[http://hiper.cis.udel.edu/udsacl/doku.php/research/nlpa/litreview| Literature/Bib on Text Analysis of Software Engineering]] **Fall 2014:** * [[Research Proposal|Summary of NSF Proposal]] * [[Research Concepts|Initial Concepts]] * Summaries of papers read: * [[Paper 1]] * [[Paper 2]] * [[Paper 3]] * [[Paper 4]] * [[http://hiper.cis.udel.edu/udsacl/doku.php/research/nlpa/learningnuggets | Regular Meeting notes details on paper reviews]] * [[Xpath Tools on srcml]]