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resarch:nlpa:paper_4 [2014/10/30 13:31]
resarch:nlpa:paper_4 [2014/10/30 15:11] (current)
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 Critique:** Critique:**
 \\ 1. Bad- They are only using no. of Java keywords occurences or Java special characters, which means this is restricted to emails with discussion on development of projects in Java. This also means they should already have a database containing the Java keywords/​special characters. \\ 1. Bad- They are only using no. of Java keywords occurences or Java special characters, which means this is restricted to emails with discussion on development of projects in Java. This also means they should already have a database containing the Java keywords/​special characters.
-\\ 2. Good- As P and R trade off against each other, they devise an approach in which by varying the threshold, they can obtain either perfect P or perfect R -- Ques: But doesn'​t it contradict to the beta function they have?+\\ 2. Good- As P and R trade off against each other, they devise an approach in which by varying the threshold, they can obtain either perfect P or perfect R 
 \\ 3. Ques - How are they providing alternative views of the software system? They are just extracting source code pieces from developer emails. \\ 3. Ques - How are they providing alternative views of the software system? They are just extracting source code pieces from developer emails.
resarch/nlpa/paper_4.1414690290.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2014/10/30 13:31 by preethac
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