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resarch:nlpa:paper_3 [2014/10/16 11:49]
resarch:nlpa:paper_3 [2014/10/16 13:00] (current)
Line 19: Line 19:
 \\ 2. Extracting paragraphs based on programming language keyword/​operator density. \\ 2. Extracting paragraphs based on programming language keyword/​operator density.
 \\ 3. Tracing paragraphs onto method based on occurrence of keyword "​method"​ and a method name followed by parenthesis. ​ \\ 3. Tracing paragraphs onto method based on occurrence of keyword "​method"​ and a method name followed by parenthesis. ​
 +\\ 4. Filtering paragraphs further by - return types, over-ridding/​overloading and method invocations(invoking a method inside another method).
 +\\ 5. Computing textual similarities between paragraphs and methods and ranking them based on similarity measure.
resarch/nlpa/paper_3.1413474580.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2014/10/16 11:49 by preethac
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