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resarch:nlpa:paper_3 [2014/10/02 16:51]
preethac created
resarch:nlpa:paper_3 [2014/10/16 13:00] (current)
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 +**Mining Source Code Descriptions from Developer Communications**
 +\\ Sebastiano Panichella,​Jairo Aponte, Massimiliano Di Penta,​Andrian Marcus,​Gerardo Canfora
 +\\ Dept. of Engineering-RCOST,​ University of Sannio, Italy
 +\\ Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia
 +\\ Wayne State University, Detroit USA
 [[http://​ieeexplore.ieee.org/​stamp/​stamp.jsp?​tp=&​arnumber=6240510|Link]] [[http://​ieeexplore.ieee.org/​stamp/​stamp.jsp?​tp=&​arnumber=6240510|Link]]
 +** Problem:​** ​
 +\\ Absence of comments/​descriptions for methods. ​
 +**Importance/​Applications of the technique:​**
 +\\ Automatic mining of source code descriptions from bug tracking systems and mailing lists.
 +\\ Source code re-documentation.
 +\\ 1. Downloading emails and tracing them onto classes- using 2 heuristics- if email contains fully qualified class name or file name. For bug ids-matching bug id to closing comments.
 +\\ 2. Extracting paragraphs based on programming language keyword/​operator density.
 +\\ 3. Tracing paragraphs onto method based on occurrence of keyword "​method"​ and a method name followed by parenthesis. ​
 +\\ 4. Filtering paragraphs further by - return types, over-ridding/​overloading and method invocations(invoking a method inside another method).
 +\\ 5. Computing textual similarities between paragraphs and methods and ranking them based on similarity measure.
 +**Critique** ​
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