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resarch:nlpa:paper_2 [2014/09/18 18:22]
preethac created
resarch:nlpa:paper_2 [2014/09/25 16:10] (current)
Line 4: Line 4:
 [[http://​serl.clarkson.edu/​site/​wp-content/​uploads/​2013/​04/​icpc2013.pdf|Link]] [[http://​serl.clarkson.edu/​site/​wp-content/​uploads/​2013/​04/​icpc2013.pdf|Link]]
 +**Problem:​** identify problematic API design features automatically
 +**Importance/​Applications of the technique:​**
 +    Enable speed reading of forums for problems
 +    Enable queries for search for problematic features
 +    Estimating API hot topics
 +    assumption is that hot topics in forums about a given API that are discussed frequently are
 +**problematic API features**
 +    assumption is that problematic API features are discussed in negative sentences and its neighbors
 +    approach was to identify negative sentences, then extract features from negative sentence +2 and -1 sentences
 +    negative sentences are identified by sentiment140 to categorize sentences as negative, positive, neutral
 +    then use Stanford NLP tools to extract word phrases with API dictionary words in it
 +    create dictionary from SWING tutorial to get the specific API features - closed world assumption
 +    Developed a tool called Haystack
 +    measured precision against gold set from Swing api
 +    showed high precision
 +    did not measure recall
 +    Strengths:
 +        important problem of extracting information about developer'​s issues with API usage
 +        use of sentiment analysis techniques that exist for identifying negative sentences
 +        interesting approach and categorization of sentences into several categories - maybe useful for us to automate
 +    Weaknesses:
 +    first author created gold set and second author confirmed it
 +    precision was measured with an inappropriate match between gold set and extracted feature words in sentence sets
 +thus the high precision numbers reported are not really true
 +    the premise and title that these kinds of things they are extracting are problematic API features is not really accurate and should be relabeled as things such as how-tos, problems, etc
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