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resarch:nlpa:paper_1 [2014/09/18 18:10]
resarch:nlpa:paper_1 [2014/10/02 14:43] (current)
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 \\ Martin P. Robillard \\ Martin P. Robillard
 +Determining the code elements salient to an informal developer communications,​ such as forum posts.  
 +**Importance/​Applications of the technique:​** 
 +\\ Does not require an index of code elements. 
 +\\ Discovers code elements based on salience. 
 +\\ 1. Developed a tool "​Automatic Code Element Extractor (ACE)" which does the following steps:- 
 +  * Identify code like terms from a document using Island Parser 
 +  * Creates index of valid code elements 
 +  * Reparses documents to identify ambiguous terms and resolve them 
 +  * Outputs the code elements 
 + 2. Created a classifier of code element salience  
 +P= 0.92  
 +R= 0.90 
 +  Strengths:​ 
 +  Discards closed world assumption(where an index is created from before) 
 +  Discards uniform importance assumption(previously each code element would have been considered equally important) 
 +  Weaknesses:​ 
 +  Unable to identify indirectly referenced code elements(eg:​ answers to questions in stack overflow is considered not salient, hence miss indirectly referenced code elements which might be salient) 
 +  ​
resarch/nlpa/paper_1.1411078214.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/09/18 18:10 by preethac
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