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NLPA: Natural Language Program Analysis

NLPA is the idea of combining natural language processing techniques with more traditional program analysis (e.g., call graph analysis) to drive various software engineering tools, especially software maintenance tools.

Selected Publications

Emily Hill, Lori Pollock, and K. Vijay-Shanker. “Exploring the Neighborhood with Dora to Expedite Software Maintenance.” 22nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2007), November 2007.

Lori Pollock, K. Vijay-Shanker, David Shepherd, Emily Hill, Zachary P. Fry, and Kishen Maloor, “Introducing Natural Language Program Analysis”, Research Group Presentation at the Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering (PASTE 2007) , June 2007.

David Shepherd, Zachary P. Fry, Emily Hill, Lori Pollock, and K. Vijay-Shanker, “Using Natural Language Program Analysis to Locate and Understand Action-Oriented Concerns”, International Conference on Aspect Oriented Software Development (AOSD 2007), March 2007.

David Shepherd, Lori Pollock, and K. Vijay-Shanker, “Towards Supporting On-Demand Virtual Remodularization Using Program Graphs”, International Conference on Aspect Oriented Software Development (AOSD 2006), March 2006.

All NLPA Publications


projects/nlpa.1193866617.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/10/31 17:36 by hill
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