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projects:nlpa [2007/03/28 14:10]
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-====== NLPA: Natural Language Program Analysis ====== 
-NLPA is the idea of combining natural language processing techniques with more traditional program analysis (e.g., call graph analysis) to drive various software engineering tools, especially software maintenance tools. 
-===== Selected Publications ===== 
-David Shepherd, Lori Pollock, and K. Vijay-Shanker,​ "Case Study: Supplementing Program Analysis with Natural Language Analysis to Improve a Reverse Engineering Task", Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering (PASTE 2007), June 2007.    
-Lori Pollock, K. Vijay-Shanker,​ David Shepherd, Emily Hill, Zachary P. Fry, and Kishen Maloor, "​Introducing Natural Language Program Analysis",​ Research Group Presentation at the Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering (PASTE 2007) , June 2007. 
-David Shepherd, Zachary P. Fry, Emily Hill, Lori Pollock, and K. Vijay-Shanker,​ "Using Natural Language Program Analysis to Locate and Understand Action-Oriented Concerns”,​ International Conference on Aspect Oriented Software Development (AOSD 2007), March 2007.  ​ 
-David Shepherd, Lori Pollock, and K. Vijay-Shanker,​ "​Towards Supporting On-Demand Virtual Remodularization Using Program Graphs”, International Conference on Aspect Oriented Software Development (AOSD 2006), March 2006.  ​ 
-David Shepherd, Tom Tourwe, and Lori Pollock, “Using Language Clues to Discover Crosscutting Concerns”,​ International Workshop on Modeling and Analysis of Concerns (MACS 2005), co-located with International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2005), May 2005. Extended presentation. 
-[[http://​​8080/​dspace/​simple-search?​query=%28%28Lori%29+AND+%28Pollock%29%29+&​header=HiperSpace&​title=HiperSpace+Publications&​primSort=Date&​submit=Go|All Hiperspace Publications]] 
-===== Contributors ===== 
-  * **Faculty**:​ Lori Pollock, K. Vijay-Shanker 
-  * **Ph.D. Students**: [[http://​www.cis.udel.edu/​~shepherd|David Shepherd]], Emily Gibson Hill, Kishen Maloor 
-  * **Undergraduates**:​ [[http://​copland.udel.edu/​~fryz/​|Zak Fry]] 
-  * **Collaborators**:​ [[http://​www.cs.mcgill.ca/​~martin/​|Martin Robillard]] [[http://​www.win.tue.nl/​~ttourwe/​|Tom Tourwe]] 
-  * **Past Undergraduate Students**: Sue Lister 
projects/nlpa.1175105404.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/10/31 17:24 (external edit)
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