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project_2:account [2012/07/10 16:18]
project_2:account [2012/07/10 16:20] (current)
Line 4: Line 4:
 1 //​constructor 1 //​constructor
 2   ​ 2   ​
-3 /*+3 /**
 4 * @Generated-Summary : sets name to the input nm string.  ​ 4 * @Generated-Summary : sets name to the input nm string.  ​
 5 * <​Gen-End>​ 5 * <​Gen-End>​
Line 35: Line 35:
 1 //​functions 1 //​functions
 2   ​ 2   ​
-3 /*+3 /**
 4 * @Generated-Summary : adds the input money to amount.  ​ 4 * @Generated-Summary : adds the input money to amount.  ​
 5 * <​Gen-End>​ 5 * <​Gen-End>​
Line 61: Line 61:
 -----Account.withdraw(D)V C-Units=1 -----Account.withdraw(D)V C-Units=1
-1 /*+1 /**
 2 * @Generated-Summary : froms the input money null amount.  ​ 2 * @Generated-Summary : froms the input money null amount.  ​
 3 * <​Gen-End>​ 3 * <​Gen-End>​
Line 87: Line 87:
 -----Account.transfer(QAccount;​D)V C-Units=7 -----Account.transfer(QAccount;​D)V C-Units=7
-1 /*+1 /**
 2 * @Generated-Summary : froms the input mn null amount. ​ adds the input mn to amount. ​ adds the input mn to amount.  ​ 2 * @Generated-Summary : froms the input mn null amount. ​ adds the input mn to amount. ​ adds the input mn to amount.  ​
 3 *  3 * 
Line 231: Line 231:
 -----ManageAccount.printAllAccounts()V C-Units=2 -----ManageAccount.printAllAccounts()V C-Units=2
-1 /*+1 /**
 2 * @Generated-Summary : prints Account.  ​ 2 * @Generated-Summary : prints Account.  ​
 3 * <​Gen-End>​ 3 * <​Gen-End>​
Line 260: Line 260:
 -----Main.main([QString;​)V C-Units=22 -----Main.main([QString;​)V C-Units=22
-1 /*+1 /**
 2 * @Generated-Summary : joins Thread.  ​ 2 * @Generated-Summary : joins Thread.  ​
 3 *  3 * 
project_2/account.1341951509.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2012/07/10 16:18 by t.amrutha
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