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loc [2009/07/01 22:47]
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-===== Location and Directions ===== 
-Mailing Address: 
-Software Analysis and Compilation Research Lab 
-c/o Lori Pollock 
-Department of Computer and Information Sciences 
-University of Delaware 
-Newark, DE 19716 
-We are in 213 Smith Hall, on the main campus of University of Delaware 
-in Newark, Delaware, not far off of Interstate-95. 
-From the North on Interstate-95:​ 
-  * Take exit #1B: 896 North (following the signs for the University of Delaware) 
-  * Follow 896 North, which becomes South College Avenue if you go straight (896 will turn to the left) 
-  * Keep going straight on South College to the University'​s Main Campus (approx. 2 miles) 
-  * Smith Hall is located on your left on the corner of South College Avenue and Amstel Avenue (right next to the pedestrian over-pass) 
-  * Visitor parking is available on the left on South College Avenue just before Smith Hall (Lot 41 in parking map, look for the University Visitor'​s Center) or in the parking garage located on Main Street (Lot 17 in parking map) 
-From the South on Interstate-95:​ 
-  * Take exit 109 A-B in Maryland to avoid the toll at the DE line. Take the far ramp toward Newark, which will put you on Elkton-Newark Road. 
-  * You will be on Elkton Road for 3-4 miles until it merges into one lane and curves right, where it changes into Delaware Avenue. 
-  * At the light, turn RIGHT onto South College Avenue. Smith Hall is the second building on your right 
-  * Visitor parking is available 
-    * in a lot on the right on South College Avenue (Lot 41 in parking map, look for the University Visitor'​s Center) and 
-    * in a parking garage on Amstel Avenue. Make a RIGHT at the light onto Amstel Avenue and a LEFT at the next stop sign. Parking garage is on your RIGHT (Lot 14C in parking map). 
-Bring your parking receipt to the CIS Office for validation. 
-For more info and maps, check [[http://​www.publications.udel.edu/​UDmap/​images/​loc/​smith.gif|here]] 
loc.1246502838.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2009/07/01 22:47 by pollock
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