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grads [2009/07/01 22:38]
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-====== Graduate and Postdoc Research Opportunities ====== 
-A core component of the Software Analysis and Compilation Research Lab is mentoring PhD students 
-through learning the research process, so they can grow to become successful research leaders in computer science. We also welcome visiting scholars, postdocs and master'​s students interested in getting involved in the Software Analysis and Compilation Research Lab's research projects. ​ 
-There are several different ways to get involved as a graduate student. 
-The preferable way to get started is to spend a semester or summer in the lab completing an independent study (CISC 868 Research) course for 3 credits. Depending on how the semester project goes, you could get more deeply 
-involved in the same project, or a related (possibly newly created) project as a more permanent member of the lab. 
-There are often possibilities to be funded as a research assistant on different projects in the lab. 
-The faculty research investigators use several criteria for selecting research assistants: 
-  * strong performance in graduate courses related to the research area 
-  * demonstrated independent problem solver in independent study or course by the faculty investigator 
-  * strong work ethic 
-  * demonstrated interest in the research area/​project ​ 
-  ​ 
-===== Courses at UD Relevant to the Research ===== 
-=== For Software Engineering-related Research Projects === 
-    * CISC 673 Advanced Program Analysis and Transformations 
-    * CISC 879 Software Tools and Environments ​ 
-    * CISC 879 Software Testing and Maintenance ​ 
-    * CISC 603 Software Verification 
-    * CISC 675 Software Engineering 
-    * CISC 683 Introduction to Data Mining 
-    * CISC 882 Natural Language Processing 
-    * CISC 888 Machine Learning 
-    * CISC689/489 Information Retrieval 
-=== For Compilation-related Research Projects === 
-    * CISC 662 Computer Systems Architecture 
-    * CISC 672 Advanced Compiler Construction 
-    * CISC 673 Advanced Program Analysis and Transformations 
-    * CISC 873 Compiling for Multicore 
-    * CISC 874 Parallel Programming ​ 
-    * CISC 888 Machine Learning 
-(Courses in ECE may also apply.) 
grads.1246502307.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2009/07/01 22:38 by pollock
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