CISC 879 Software Testing and Maintenance WIKI

Small Assignments

Handouts and Slides

Location of Example latex and bibtex files on stimpy: /usa/pollock/public/latex.templates

Background on Software Testing presented by Lori 9-16-08

In-class game on Software Testing Background 9-16-08

State of the Art Diagrams

Slides from Class Time
Grading Criteria

Research Bib list Deliverable 1:

Total Points: / 15

1. Set of papers selected: /9
a. relevance to topic
b. inclusive of current work
2. Search method used: /1
3. Format: created by using bibtex and latex, printed as nice readable format: /1
4. Paragraph that explains:
a. how you performed your search: /2
b. one sentence describing the overall topic you are investigating: /2

List of Papers to Select From

Testing Different Software Domains

Impact Analysis of Database Schema Changes, ICSE 08
Static Checking of Dynamically Generated Queries in Database Applications, TOSEM 07
Data Flow Testing of Service-Oriented Workflow Applications, ICSE 08
Testing Grid Application Workflows Using TTCN-3, ICST 08
Automated Session Data Repair for Web Application Regression Testing, ICST 08
Prioritizing User-session-based Test Cases for Web Applications Testing, ICST 08
Dynamic Test Input Generation for Web Applications, ISSTA 08
Finding Bugs in Dynamic Web Applications, ISSTA 08
Racer: Effective Race Detection Using AspectJ, ISSTA 08
Dynamic Recognition of Synchronization Operations for Improved Data Race Detection, ISSTA 08
Testing Pervasive Software in the Presence of Context Inconsistency Resolution Services, ICSE 08
Finding Bugs in Java Native Interface Programs, ISSTA 08
On the Predictability of Random Tests for Object-Oriented Software, ICST 08
Finding Errors in .NET with Feedback-Directed Random Testing, ISSTA 08

Fault Localization/Defect Prediction/Debugging
jPredictor: A Predictive Runtime Analysis Tool for Java, ICSE 08
Predicting Accurate and Actionable Static Analysis Warnings: An Experimental Approach, ICSE 08
An Approach to Detecting Duplicate Bug Reports using Natural Language and Execution Information, ICSE 08
Precise Memory Leak Detection for Java Software Using Container Profiling, ICSE 08
Time Will Tell: Fault Localization Using Time Spectra, ICSE 08
The Probabilistic Program Dependence Graph and Its Application to Fault Diagnosis, ISSTA 08
AFID: An Automated Fault Identification Tool, ISSTA 08
Fault Localization Using Value Replacement, ISSTA 08
Benchmarking Classification Models for Software Defect Prediction: A Proposed Framework and Novel Findings, TSE 08
A Comparative Analysis of the Efficiency of Change Metrics and Static Code Attributes for Defect Prediction, ICSE 08

Change Analysis
Recommending Adaptive Changes for Framework Evolution, ICSE 08
Mining Framework Usage Changes from Instantiation Code, ICSE 08
Customization Change Impact Analysis for ERP Professionals via Program Slicing, ISSTA 08

Queries and Concern Location
Answering Conceptual Queries with Ferret, ICSE 08

Readibility, Quality, Clone Detection, Refactoring
Scalable Detection of Semantic Clones, ICSE 08
A Metric for Software Readability, ISSTA 08
An Empirical Study of Static Program Slice Size, TOSEM 07
Recovering Traceability Links in Software Artifact Management Systems using Information Retrieval Methods, TOSEM 07
Asking and Answering Questions during a Programming Change Task, TSE 08

Other “Older, but Very Wise” Papers
Scalable Statistical Bug Isolation
DART: Directed Automated Random Testing
Simplifying and Isolating Failure-Inducing Input
Dynamically Discovering Likely Program Invariants to Support Program Evolution
Hierarchical GUI Test Case Generation Using Automated Planning
Cork:Dynamic Memory Leak Detection for Garbage-Collected Languages
An Empirical Study of Regression Test Selection Techniques
A System to Generate Test Data and Symbolically Execute Programs
Recovering Traceability Links between Code and Documentation

Some Local UD Contributions
Exploring the Neighborhood with Dora to Expedite Software Maintenance
Using Natural Language Program Analysis to Locate and Understand Action-Oriented Concerns
A Comparison of Online and Dynamic Impact Analysis Algorithms
Automated Oracle Comparators for Testing Web Applications
An Empirical Comparison of Test Suite Reduction Techniques for User-session-based Testing of Web Applications
Applying Concept Analysis to User-Session-Based Testing of Web Applications