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projects:webapps [2007/01/26 16:13]
projects:webapps [2012/01/23 17:22]
sprenkle [Publications]
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 +====== Web Application Testing ======
 +The increased availability and continuous use of the web for daily operations by businesses, consumers, and government has popularized e-commerce and created a great demand for reliable web applications. ​ We have developed automated approaches to improve many stages of the testing process within a customizable framework. ​ Our work focuses on test-suite reduction, oracle comparators,​ test-suite replay, and test-case generation.
 +**Our Goals**
 +  * To perform scalable test suite reduction of user sessions and generate reduced suites that are efficient in terms of program coverage and fault detection ability.
 +  * To perform dynamic analysis of user sessions to understand the usage and dynamic behavior of web applications and to motivate the reduction techniques developed.
 +  * To develop a customizable,​ automated framework for scalable testing of web applications. ​ We have developed pluggable oracle comparators,​ test-case replay mechanisms, and test-case generation algorithms that plug into this framework.
 +===== Subprojects =====
 +**Models for Generating Test Cases**
 +  * Sara Sprenkle, Lori Pollock, and Lucy Simko. "A Study of Usage-Based Navigation Models and Generated Abstract Test Cases for Web Applications."​ International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), IEEE, March 2011. //Awarded Best Research Paper//
 +  * Sara Sprenkle, Lori Pollock, Holly Esquivel, Barbara Hazelwood, and Stacey Ecott. "​Automated Oracle Comparators for Testing Web Applications."​ 18th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering,​ IEEE, November 2007.
 +**Test-Suite Reduction**
 +  * Sreedevi Sampath, Sara Sprenkle, Emily Gibson, Lori Pollock, and Amie Souter Greenwald. "​Applying Concept Analysis to User-session-based Testing of Web Applications."​ Transactions on Software Engineering,​ Vol. 33, No. 10, pp. 643-658. IEEE. October 2007.
 +**Test Requirements**
 +  * Sreedevi Sampath, Sara Sprenkle, Emily Gibson, and Lori Pollock. "Web Application Testing with Customized Test Requirements--An Experimental Comparison Study."​ International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE '06). November 2006.
 +  * Sara Sprenkle, Emily Gibson, Sreedevi Sampath, and Lori Pollock. "​Automated Replay and Failure Detection for Web Applications."​ International Conference of Automated Software Engineering,​ IEEE/ACM, pp. 253--262. November 2005. 
 +===== Publications =====
 +[[http://​servo.cs.wlu.edu/​pubs/​handle/​id/​244/​browse?​value=Web+Application+Testing&​type=project&​sort_by=2&​order=DESC|Complete List of Web Application Testing Project Papers]]
 +===== Contributors =====
 +  * **Faculty**:​ [[http://​www.cis.udel.edu/​~pollock|Lori Pollock]]
 +  * **Ph.D. Student**: [[http://​www.cis.udel.edu/​~gibson|Emily Gibson Hill]]
 +  * **Collaborators**:​ [[http://​userpages.umbc.edu/​~sampath/​|Dr. Sreedevi Sampath]] (UMBC), Dr. Amie Souter (Lucent), and [[http://​www.cs.wlu.edu/​~sprenkle|Dr. Sara Sprenkle]] (W&L)
 +  * **Undergraduate Students**: [[http://​www.cis.udel.edu/​~kbaldwin|Katie Baldwin]], [[http://​www.cs.wlu.edu/​~cobbc|Camille Cobb]], [[http://​www.cs.wlu.edu/​~hopkinsc|Carrie Hopkins]]
 +  * **Past Undergraduate Students**: Stacey Ecott (Tufts University),​ Holly Esquivel (University of Nebraska-Kearney),​ Barbara Hazelwood (Xavier University),​ Valentin Mihaylov (Drexel University),​ Lucy Simko (Washington & Lee University),​ Frank Zappaterrini
projects/webapps.txt ยท Last modified: 2012/01/23 17:23 by sprenkle
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