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awards:student_honors [2009/07/01 23:33]
pollock created
awards:student_honors [2013/05/03 08:10]
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 +  * **Austin Cory Bart** (Senior Honors Thesis 2012) placed 2nd in the ACM grad-level Student Research Competition at SIGCSE 2013 In March. ​ Cory's work was entitled " Wacky Writing: Enhancing the XO Laptop Platform to Motivate Creative Writing by Children"​ and describes his Senior Honor'​s Thesis work at UD.  Cory is now attending grad school at Virginia Tech.
 +  * **Casey Casulnuova** completed his Senior Honors Thesis. ​ He will be attending grad school at UC Davis starting fall 2013.
 +  * **Michelle Allen** (REU) was awarded the Quantum Leap Innovations Outstanding Senior Award: A monetary award given by Quantum Leap Innovations to the outstanding senior in computer and information sciences.
 +  * **Eric McGinnis** (XO Laptops in Haiti) was awarded the Steven Geracimos Memorial Award: A monetary award to an outstanding computer science major who has demonstrated both interest and aptitude for the subjectas characterized by Steven Geracimos.
 +  * **Camille Cobb** (DREU 2009) receives an Honorable Mention for the CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Award, 2012. Camille is now attending grad school at University of Washington.
 +  * **Sana Malik** (DREU and Senior Thesis 2012) is awarded the Lauri Pfeffer Shinn Memorial Award: A monetary award to one or more women (undergrad or graduate) in recognition of a contribution to the CIS department and/or in recognition of academic success. ​ Sana is now attending grad school at University of Maryland.
 +  * **Michelle Allen** (REU) awarded the CIS Outstanding Student Award: A monetary award given by the CIS department to the outstanding junior.
 +  * **Casey Casulnuova** (Summer Scholar) awarded the CIS Outstanding Sophomore Award: A monetary award given by the CIS department to the outstanding sophomore.
 +  * **Eric McGinnis** is awarded the Hatem Khalil Memorial Award: A monetary award to a CIS major in recognition of outstanding achievement in software engineering.
 == 2009 == == 2009 ==
 +  * **Emily Gibson Hill** awarded the Frank A. Pehrson Graduate Student Achievement Award to a CIS graduate student in recognition of outstanding performance and future potential in the field, May 2009.
 +  * **Eric Enslen** awarded the Hatem M. Khalil Memorial Award to a CIS major in recognition of outstanding achievement in software engineering,​ May 2009.
 +  * **Eric Enslen** awarded a travel award from the Alumni Enrichment Fund to attend MSR and present his first research conference paper in Vancouver, May 2009.
 == 2008 == == 2008 ==
- +  * **Zak Fry** (Honors students, 2008) will attend the University of Virginia with a research assistantship to pursue his Ph.D., September 2008. 
- +  * **Giriprasad Sridhara** awarded a travel award from the Alumni Enrichment Fund to attend ICPC, and present his first research conference paper, in Amsterdam, June 2008. 
-    * **Holly Esquivel**, former DMP student (2006), awarded a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship (ASEE NDSEG) for graduate school at University of Wisconsin. ​+  * **Emily Hill** awarded a travel award from the Alumni Enrichment Fund to attend ICSE and present a working conference paper as well as participate in the doctoral symposium, in Leipzig, Germany, May 2008. 
 +  * **Emily Hill, Zachary P. Fry, Haley Boyd, Giriprasad Sridhara, Yana Novikova, Lori Pollock, and K. Vijay-Shanker** win BEST PAPER AWARD at 5th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR) for paper -  AMAP: Automatically Mining Abbreviation Expansions in Programs to Enhance Software Maintenance Tools, May 2008. 
 +  * **Meilani Williams**, former DMP student (2007), is one of the top ten national finalists for the Association of Information Technology Professionals National Competition in Memphis, TN, March 2008. Meilani placed third overall in her research paper and presentation,​ as well as third in Student Web Project and 2nd in Application Development. 
 +  ​* **Holly Esquivel**, former DMP student (2006), awarded a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship (ASEE NDSEG) for graduate school at University of Wisconsin. ​
 == 2007 == == 2007 ==
 +  * **Stacey Ecott** (BS, 2007; DMP 2005) is featured in an article about what Tufts University is doing to attract women into computer science.
 +  * **Lewis Fishgold** (BS, 2005) will attend the University of Texas-Austin on a first-year fellowship to pursue his Ph.D., April 2007.
 +  * **Holly Esquivel** (DMP, 2006) will attend the University of Wisconsin-Madison with funding to pursue her Ph.D., April 2007.
 +  * **Emily Gibson Hill** awarded the Lauri Pfeffer Shinn Memorial Award, given annually to a woman CIS student in recognition of a contribution to the CIS department and in recognition of academic success, May 2007.
 +  * **Dave Shepherd** awarded the Frank A. Pehrson Graduate Student Achievement Award to a CIS graduate student in recognition of outstanding performance and future potential in the field, May 2007.
 +  * **Zak Fry** (BS, 2008) awarded the Hatem M. Khalil Memorial Award to a CIS major in recognition of outstanding achievement in software engineering,​ May 2007.
 +  * **Yana Novikova** (BS, 2008) awarded the Lauri Pfeffer Shinn Memorial Award, given annually to a woman CIS student in recognition of a contribution to the CIS department and in recognition of academic success, May 2007.
 +  * **Emily Hill and Zak Fry** awarded a travel award from the Alumni Enrichment Fund to attend the PASTE workshop and help present an hour-long group presentation,​ in San Diego, June 2007.
 +  * **Zak Fry** (BS, 2008) awarded a travel award from the Alumni Enrichment Fund to attend AOSD, his first research conference, in British Columbia, March 2007.
 +  * **Ben Breech** awarded a University Dissertation Fellowship, March 2007.
 +  * **Holly Esquivel** (DMP, 2006) receives an Honorable Mention for the CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Award, January 2007. 
 +== 2006 ==
 +  * **Sue Lister** (BS, 2007) was awarded an Alumni Enrichment Award to travel to the World Social Forum in Kenya in January 2007.
 +  * **Sara Sprenkle** awarded University of Delaware CIS Department Lauri Pfeffer Shinn Memorial Award given annually to one woman CIS student in recognition of a contribution to the CIS department and in recognition of academic success, May 2006.
 +  * **Ben Breech** receives NASA Delaware Space Grant Fellowship, May 2006.
 +  * **Emily Gibson** receives fellowship to participate in The Team for Research in Ubiquitous Secure Technology, Women'​s Institute for Summer Enrichment, April 2006. 
-    * Stacey Ecott (BS, 2007; DMP 2005) is featured in an article about what Tufts University is doing to attract women into computer science. +== 2005 == 
-    Lewis Fishgold (BS, 2005) will attend the University of Texas-Austin on a first-year fellowship to pursue his Ph.D., April 2007+  **Emily Gibson** receives NSF Graduate Research FellowshipApril 2005. 
-    Holly Esquivel (DMP, 2006) will attend the University of Wisconsin-Madison with funding to pursue her Ph.D., April 2007+  * **Ben Breech** receives NASA Delaware Space Grant Fellowship, April 2005
-    Emily Gibson ​awarded ​the Lauri Pfeffer Shinn Memorial Awardgiven annually to woman CIS student in recognition of a contribution to the CIS department and in recognition of academic success, May 2007+  * **Sreedevi Sampath** awarded ​University of Delaware CIS Department ​Lauri Pfeffer Shinn Memorial Award given annually to one woman CIS student in recognition of a contribution to the CIS department and in recognition of academic success, May 2005
-    Dave Shepherd ​awarded ​the Frank A. Pehrson Graduate Student Achievement ​Award to a CIS graduate student in recognition of outstanding performance and future potential in the field, May 2007+  * **Sara Sprenkle** awarded ​University of Delaware CIS Department Outstanding Teaching Assistant ​Award, May 2005
-    Zak Fry (BS, 2008) awarded the Hatem MKhalil Memorial ​Award to a CIS major in recognition of outstanding achievement in software engineeringMay 2007. +  * **Lewis Fishgold** awarded the University of Delaware CIS Department Quantum Development CorpOutstanding Senior ​Award, awarded to a senior computer science major in recognition of superior academic performance ​in computer science, May 2005
-    * Yana Novikova (BS, 2008) awarded ​the Lauri Pfeffer Shinn Memorial Award, given annually ​to a woman CIS student ​in recognition of a contribution to the CIS department and in recognition of academic success, May 2007+  * **Anteneh Anteneh** awarded the University of Delaware CIS Department ​Hatem M. Khalil ​Memorial Award in recognition of outstanding achievement ​in software engineering, May 2005
-    Zak Fry (BS, 2008) awarded a travel award from the Alumni Enrichment Fund to attend AOSD, his first research conference, in British Columbia, March 2007. +  * **Ki-Yong Kim** awarded a teaching assistantship and admission ​to graduate school ​in computer science at University of Delaware
-    ​Ben Breech awarded a University Dissertation Fellowship, March 2007. +
-    ​Holly Esquivel (DMP, 2006) receives an Honorable Mention for the CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Award, January 2007.  +
- +
-2006 +
- +
-    ​Sue Lister (BS, 2007) was awarded ​an Alumni Enrichment Award to travel to the World Social Forum in Kenya in January 2007. +
-    * Sara Sprenkle awarded ​University of Delaware CIS Department ​Lauri Pfeffer Shinn Memorial Award given annually to one woman CIS student ​in recognition of a contribution to the CIS department and in recognition of academic success, May 2006+
-    Ben Breech receives NASA Delaware Space Grant Fellowship, May 2006. +
-    ​Emily Gibson receives fellowship ​to participate ​in The Team for Research in Ubiquitous Secure Technology, Women'​s Institute for Summer Enrichment, April 2006 +
- +
-    ​Emily Gibson receives NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, April 2005. +**Summer Internships**
-    ​Ben Breech receives NASA Delaware Space Grant Fellowship, April 2005. +
-    ​Sreedevi Sampath awarded University of Delaware CIS Department Lauri Pfeffer Shinn Memorial Award given annually to one woman CIS student in recognition of a contribution to the CIS department and in recognition of academic success, May 2005. +
-    ​Sara Sprenkle awarded University of Delaware CIS Department Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, May 2005. +
-    * Lewis Fishgold awarded the University of Delaware CIS Department Quantum Development Corp. Outstanding Senior Award, awarded to a senior computer science major in recognition of superior academic performance in computer science, May 2005. +
-    * Anteneh Anteneh awarded the University of Delaware CIS Department Hatem M. Khalil Memorial Award in recognition of outstanding achievement in software engineering,​ May 2005. +
-    * Ki-Yong Kim awarded a teaching assistantship and admission to graduate school in computer science at University of Delaware. ​+
-Summer Internships +Students of the Software Analysis and Compilation Research ​Lab have interned at the following places:
-Students of the Hiperspace ​Lab have interned at the following places:+
-    ​* Oakridge National Laboratories,​ TN +  ​* Oakridge National Laboratories,​ TN 
-    * Business Signatures, CA +  * Business Signatures, CA 
-    * Google, CA +  * Google, CA 
-    * Microsoft, India +  * Microsoft, India 
-    * IBM Research, NY +  * IBM Research, NY 
-    * Microsoft Research, WA +  * Microsoft Research, WA 
awards/student_honors.txt · Last modified: 2013/05/03 14:42 by pollock
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